Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Look! We have Redbud AND Dogwood!

I finished the quilt top! It was supposed to have two borders, but it was getting SO big, I decided to just do a four inch border in the same color as the white in the blocks. Honestly, I just didn’t have it in me to spend one more hour on it. Have you ever had projects like that? I had to force myself to keep at it till it was done. I have finally learned to say… “It’s good enough!” I never set out to win a blue ribbon. I just wanted to make a quilt that they will love and see that it’s not any more perfect than I am. I can’t wait to see it when it comes from the quilter!

When I finished with the quilt, I sat down to try and figure out what’s going on with my computer and it finally dawned on me. I’ve been downloading a boatload of graphics for my designs and I have just about maxed out the hard drive. And it’s a 1TB disk! If you don’t know what that means, my desktop has millions of times more storage capacity than the first Apollo mission. I don’t need to download all this stuff…I was just like a kid in a candy store. All I need to do is go look for what I need when I need it!

Mr. FixIt went to see his buddies at the bowling alley last night. Even though he doesn’t bowl with them anymore, he needs the socialization and I’ve been happy to see him enjoying himself with his friends. He works so hard here at home and for his friends and family…he deserves all the fun time he can get. We are both really looking forward to our beach vacation. Now that the quilt is out of the way, I can focus on getting the house cleaned and our bags packed.

I’ll never forget the first time I went to the beach with Mr. FixIt. I packed like I was traveling around the world for three months! Well, probably not that bad, but I had my biggest suitcase stuffed to the gills plus lots of clothes on hangers. We had a big tote with kitchen things and even took food down with us. It took forever to carry things up to the second floor where our condo is and, of course…what goes up must come down, right? We were exhausted by the time we were done.

Since Mr. FixIt had those two strokes back in 2020, we’ve packed lighter and lighter every year. Honestly, we hardly need any clothes because we have laundry facilities in our condo. There are grocery stores down there so we don’t have to mess with the heavy cooler. And we end up mostly eating a big breakfast and then sandwiches the rest of the time. Maybe pizza. We always go out for seafood one time when we’re down there. So, I think we’ll just make it a game and see how light we can go. We’ve been watching the weather app to see what is happening at the beach next week and it’s not looking good. There are only a couple of days when the sun is predicted to come out and the weather is much warmer this week that it will be next week. So we will have to take some warm clothes with us. But we always say…any day at the beach is a good day. 

The first time I ever saw the ocean was when I flew over it in my move to England. We visited the English coast from time to time, but none of that was like going to the beach. The first time I saw a real beach was when Hubby #2 was interviewing for internship. We were in Maine and it was a rocky beach and SO cold! But we had a good time walking around and picking up shells. But I’d never had a real beach vacation till Mr. FixIt took me to the Outer Banks.

We just have a few more days to get things done and off we go!


“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Psalms 16:11 NIV


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