Gone Fishin’

We had a nice breakfast…French toast and ham. But that made us get a little bit of a late start to the pier to fish. However, we did end up with three beautiful hours with very little wind. And the fish were biting! As soon as I took this picture of my knitting, that rod you see started sliding to the right. I jumped up and grabbed it and started reeling it in. Whatever I had…it was BIG and headed straight for the bridge piling. I felt it break loose and when I reeled in my rig, the hook was broken off!

They’re putting a new roof on the restrooms and the bath house…right behind our camper. Thankfully, they’re almost finished!

We put on a new hook and the next cast, Mr. FixIt got a strike and the same thing happened to him. He put a new hook on his rig and we hoped for the best. My next cast had barely hit the water when BAM…another big one. This one I played and played for a long time and when I finally got it up near the surface, I could see it was a big skate…about two and a half feet across! I’ve never pulled one of those in and man they put up a fight. I got it to the surface and it was thrashing. A man was filming it for OBX TV and got a good shot of it, but then the line broke! I was really bummed.

The campground…nothing to block the wind!

By this time, the wind started to pick up and we didn’t get more than a nibble here and there. We finally called it quits and went back to the camper. We’re going to try going out earlier today so we have more time before the wind hits around 1:00 in the afternoon. As I am writing this, the wind is whipping around the camper at 20mph. It isn’t pleasant out there when it’s like this. We did go for a walk out to the beach after supper and found some shells and what I believe is a bottle nose dolphin vertebra.

I made a great supper…easy for camping. I always bring my big electric skillet with us. I can make soups and sauces, fry anything, and it’s great for casseroles. You can even pan fry biscuits in it. We bought a pound of Jennie-O Taco Seasoned Ground Turkey the other night. I fried that, added a can of drained corn and let it cook. Then I moved everything to one end of the rectangular skillet and laid a tortilla on the hot surface. I added some grated cheese and a generous spoonful of the taco meat. I sprinkled some more cheese and topped with another tortilla. After pressing it down, I let the bottom get a little crispy then carefully flipped the whole thing over. Once the other side was brown, I transferred it to a dinner plate and topped it with salsa. I handed that one off to Mr. FixIt then I fixed mine. They were SO good and we had enough of the taco meat left over to have a taco salad or nachos later. All for less that $5!

Sheep Sorrel

All this sun and sand and wind has us wiped out by the end of the evening and we hit the bed happily at 9:00. We’ll be up and at ‘em much earlier this morning. Stay tuned for fish photos! 


”“I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.“

John 21:3 NIV

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