Playing Tourist for the Day

The site where Mr. FixIt’s daughter spread her late husband’s ashes.

After breakfast, we headed up north to get some ice and fresh fruit and to fill up the truck. We got a really good deal on gas at Speedway for $3.13gal. Not bad for out here on the island. Once we had the coolers filled up, we closed up the windows and headed south all the way down to Hatteras Village where the ferry goes over to Ocracoke Island. We meandered back, stopping here and there to see the sights and play tourist. 

Our son-in-law passed away suddenly at the age of 50. This was shortly before I was introduced into the family so I never got the chance to meet him, but I hear he was quite the character. Our daughter spread some of his ashes at the beach where the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse once stood before it was moved to its current location. So every time we are down here, we go say hello to George.

The lighthouse itself is completely ensconced in scaffolding where they are doing a major restoration. It will be closed to visitors until Spring 2026, but the Light-keeper’s house and Museum is open as well as the gift shop. I treated myself to a new cookbook. It looks lovely and has some of the dishes that Mr. FixIt and I both love when we dine out here on the OBX. I shouldn’t say it was my only splurge down here. We went to Belks in Kill Devil Hills looking for a new wallet for me. The cover on my old one was starting to shed small bits of pink plastic from the faux leather. It has served me well over the last ten years, so it was time to get a new one.

We stopped at the Blue Pelican Gallery. I was looking for my friend Chris, but she is usually at home creating things for the shop and I only get to catch her about every other year. She sells yarn in her shop and there were some pretty ones, but I just really need to use up what I have before I go buying more. Remember, my words for 2024 are “Use it up!” I’m trying really hard to do that. We were at several little shops and Mr. FixIt showed me some cute shirts, but I told him I had plenty of clothes and I don’t need anything more right now.

Oregon Inlet Marina…the water was like glass because the wind stopped!

So, we just had a wonderful day together. We’ll try to get some fishing in today and tomorrow. We head home day after tomorrow and there will be a line at the dump station, so we’re going to hook the camper up tomorrow afternoon and take it across the road to empty the tanks. We can sleep in it overnight while it’s hooked up then just pull out on Saturday morning and hit the road.

It’s hard to believe our time at the beach is nearly over. It really has been a beautiful trip and we have the October stay already booked!


”If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.“

Psalms 139:9-10 NIV

#OBX, #Camping, #Grace

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