What a Gorgeous Day

The light was fading by the time we got home.

I love to drive…especially on a day when the sky is blue with big white, puffy clouds. The temps were cool, there was a breeze, and the trees were beginning to put on their royal robes to show off. We went to the dealership to pick up the Big Birdhouse, but there was something else on it that needed fixing so it’ll be a little while longer. 

As we sat in a parking lot, eating our late-lunch-early-supper, a gentleman pulled up in the tractor part of a tractor trailer to get something to eat. When he came out, he came right over to us and started up a conversation. Leon is from Dallas, a part-time 50 year old single truck driver and father who found Jesus after an unfortunate night in Beverly Hills three years ago. He drives a gorgeous red truck that he’s “married to”. He wants to find love so he doesn’t grow old alone. I told him I’d pray for him and I’d have my friends in my prayer circle pray for him, too. He thought that was amazing. He was friendly as all get out.

I love when God sends people across your path…your “assignments” for the day. People to talk to, pray for, lift up, and love on. Leon was a beefy man with a ready smile. His glasses perched on his forehead, his eyes twinkled with delight as we chatted. It occurred to me, I didn’t really notice that he was black at first. I know that seems hard to believe, but all I saw was this amazing smile. That’s when I realized…I wasn’t looking at his physical being. I was seeing the LIGHT he carries inside and it warmed my spirit that God showed me that aspect of Leon first and foremost. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could just see the LIGHT in each other???

When Leon went on his way, Mr. FixIt and I looked through the reservation app on my phone and chose our next camping adventure which begins tomorrow. We’ve stayed at this campground before but not since 2019. There’s deep woods all around, and the further we get into late September, early October the more the colors are going to change! My all time favorite time to camp!

Today is mowing day at the farm then a phone conference with my brother’s care team in Colorado. And repacking the camper. Then we’ll be off on another adventure in the morning!


“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””

John 8:12 ESV

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