We’re Halfway Home

Well, we got to the “be-here-by-7:30-or-sleep-in-the-parking-lot” campground at 4:00. Plenty of time to make nice to the nice lady at the desk and ask for a more level site. She accommodated us and in no time at all, we had Grace tucked in between the big girls! Doesn’t she look so tiny??? We are actually one site away from a view of the lake and if it weren’t for that big building on wheels to the left there, we’d wake up with a gorgeous view. That’s ok…I don’t care. I was just really excited to get out of the truck and close my eyes for a few minutes.

We drove into rain around Raleigh-Durham. It was fairly light but people were driving like maniacs and I am sure I ticked them off driving a few miles under the speed limit. That’s ok…I don’t care. I basically stayed to the right and let them move on. I will say, there is some warped sense of satisfaction when someone passes you going 90 and a few miles ahead, they’re pulled over to the side of the road talking with the friendly person with the blue lights on top of their car. Karma is something, isn’t it?

I really wasn’t hungry. I cooked us a couple big breakfast burritos before we took off yesterday morning. Then in the early afternoon, we stopped at Bojangles. I love being in the south. The restaurant was packed and we were the only white people in there. I would imagine there are people who might be frightened or uncomfortable in that situation, but we were met with a roomful of smiling faces and friendly greetings. People are people in our eyes and really…we’ve never met a stranger!

I bought the pulled pork sandwich special but could only eat one so Mr. FixIt had the second one for supper last night. I got up to fix it for him and noticed water on the floor. That is something you do not want to see in a camper. Water kills campers. I took the facing off the area where the water seemed to be coming from and I didn’t find a real source. And there wasn’t a LOT of water…just a little trickle. I had Mr. Fixit turn off the city water to see if that stopped it. (It did!) Then I laid down a desiccant water absorber bag to draw up any water that may continue to come out from under the wall. With a camper, it’s not a case of IF it will spring a leak. It’s WHEN. Because they all do at some point. We’ll sleuth it out when we get home.

Our site was fairly quiet. The big rigs DO make a lot more noise because they have more mechanical processes going on all the time. We were just happy to chill out and I looked forward to my evening snack of yogurt, granola, fresh fruit and a good night’s sleep. We’ll be back home tonight!


”Then they went to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal and said to him and the Israelites, “We have come from a distant country; make a treaty with us.”“

Joshua 9:6 NIV

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