Visiting Family

We had a pretty busy day yesterday, even though we got a slow start. I cooked a nice breakfast and we sat outside, watching the Colorado River rush by the campground. Even though the temperature got down in the low 50’s, it was pushing 80° by 10:30. It ended up topping out at 92° yesterday afternoon but once the sun went down, we had a cool breeze coming in off the river at our campsite so it was quite comfortable as I sat down to write this.

Once breakfast was over, our first stop was Walmart to buy some adult coloring books and colored pencils for my brother. He loves coloring letters so I found three books with lots of writing for him. Then we headed over to the day program where he goes three or four days a week. He knew we were coming this week, but he didn’t know what time so we came in and surprised him. He was so precious…his reaction such pure joy. It made my heart swell.

We sat with him for hours…Mr. FixIt and I coloring alongside him. The people who work with him don’t necessarily notice his decline when they see him every day, but we see him once a year and it was a marked difference since the last time. This is why he is in the group home at the highest level of supervision. He just flat out needs the support. I’ve also noticed his memory has deteriorated remarkably. He goes to Walmart every week yet he told me it’s been ages since he went. Unfortunately, his beard and hair were long and scraggly again so I need to impress upon the staff that is unacceptable. 

I don’t want to come across as demanding, because I’m not. I’m just a concerned sibling and I want my brother to be comfortable and clean and safe. The staff at his group home are remarkable, but they prompt my brother with suggestions that it’s time to get a haircut or trim his beard and if he says he doesn’t want it, they can’t “make” him do it. However, there are ways to get him to comply without being overbearing. This home is still fairly new to him and they haven’t gotten to really know him yet. It will get better with time.

When it was time for him to go home for the day, we said our goodbyes. Today will be a big day for my brother because he gets to go to Walmart and do some shopping! We’ll go see him this afternoon after his excursion and then visit him at his new place. Then tomorrow we head back to Denver. 

We got Chinese food for dinner last night which was delicious. Mr. FixIt had Mongolian Beef that was fabulous and I had some really great sweet and sour shrimp with stir fried veggies. I even had a Stella Artois Non-Alcohol beer that was the best NA beer I’ve ever had. I’m going to have to see if I can find it in WV. 

Visiting Mr. Virgo

After we ate, we went to the cemetery to visit Mr. Virgo. The family of the man who is buried next to him have put up a bird feeder and as soon as we got out of the truck, the birds flocked all around to see if I was filling the feeder. Someone keeps bringing Mr. Virgo his favorite brand of cigarettes and leaving them on the head of his grave and, even though it was those evil things that killed him, I still smiled that there are people who come and visit him.

We stopped for ice and headed back to the campground and sat out under the awning, listening to the river and the wind in the trees. This end of Glenwood Canyon has the oldest layer of earth exposed. When I look around at the steep, rocky canyon walls, I remind myself that people pay big bucks to come see this geological marvel and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share it with them. 

I look back over the time I did live here. It was 1986 when Hubby #2 finished his internship and residency and joined the internal medicine group. It seems like a million years ago…truly. I love visiting, but I wouldn’t want to live here again. When we went to the cemetery yesterday afternoon, we drove past my old house and I couldn’t believe how tall the trees are now. The trunks on the aspen trees I planted are a good 10-12” across now! We looked on Zillow to see what the estimated price of my house would be now and it’s three times what I payed for it. Then we looked up the house Hubby #2 and I bought in 1990 for $194,000 and it is worth $1.1M now!!! Absolutely crazy.

We have some touristy things to do today and then our visit with my Bubby. Time seems to go so fast.


“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”

Proverbs 17:17 NLT

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