The First of the Outdoor Days

Yesterday was the perfect day for outdoor chores. Sunny and 68° with nothing but a gentle breeze. Mr. FixIt went out to start working on the lawnmower since I so generously popped the belt off the mower deck this weekend. I tell you what… there’s not much that ruffles my husband’s feathers. He just takes things as they come. 

While he was working on the mower, I got to work on moving the Big Birdhouse so I could mow the long grass underneath it. First, I had to mow the spot where I was planning to move it. I got the push mower out and filled it with gas then set to mowing the designated spot. It wasn’t long before Mr. FixIt came over and indicated to cut the engine. He needed to run over the hill to the hardware store to get some washers for one of the deck wheels. While we were there, I dropped off a return at the UPS pickup site in the auto parts store. Then we headed to the post office where I had a package. (Daughter #1’s birthday present!)

We popped over the the hardware store then the little mom and pop market for some of their dynamite fresh ground beef for burgers later. We ran over to the little quilt shop to make sure I can bring the quilt to her by the end of next week. Finally, we headed back home and I finished up my mowing. I moved the camper to the new spot and Mr. FixIt came over to help me get her set up. He had the mower deck off and cleaned up but found we needed new blades, so I locked everything up when we set off for town….again. 

A quick stop at Lowe’s and we had the blades and booked it home. Between the two of us, we got the belt and the deck on. (Full disclosure…I only lent a hand when Mr. FixIt couldn’t get his hand to work the way it was supposed to and to help with heavy lifting.) We finally got everything put back together and I hopped on the tractor to try it out. Something was wrong. It was scalping the lawn at a setting that I usually use. Unfortunately, it turned out the blades were on upside down. By this time we were both tired and dirty and just…done. We’ll attack it again today. 

I finished getting the a-frame camper set up and I took a whole new series of photos and a quick video walkthrough. We reduced the price and we’re praying the perfect buyer comes along. This is camping season!

I cooked burgers for supper and we dined al fresco for only the second time this year. It was so delightful sitting in the warm sunshine with my sweetie. But then, as soon as that sun dipped down below the far ridge, the breeze turned decidedly chilly. I finished the evening by watering the new rose bushes and putting things away. It was time to sit down and write my letter to you. Letters from “home.”


“for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 ESV

#spring, #outdoors, #farmlife, #mowing


“Go Where the Wildflowers Bloom”

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2 thoughts on “The First of the Outdoor Days

  1. Facebook Marketplace is a good spot to advertise and you do not need to be a member of the “Aliners Owners Club” to advertise any Aframe on their web sites buy and sell.
    We had an Aliner…I sold it on Kijiji and the we bought a Taylor Coach and just love it..
    80 & 77…not sure how many more years we will keep it…..
    I really enjoy your writing….I am curious how many miles away is your town…I left the big city of Toronto On. Canada 30 yrs ago….live at the lake, town ten minute drive, small city half hour drive….

    1. Our village is just over the hill, but town is 15-25 miles away, depending on what end you,re aiming for! I’m glad to hear you are still getting out and camping! Thank you for your kind words…I do so appreaciate it. ?

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