The Calm After the Storm

Yesterday was a pretty decent day, considering all the bad weather we had the day before. According to our rain gauge, we had about two inches of rain in twenty-four hours. The creeks were roaring and there were standing pond in our yard in all the low places. We expect more rain in the coming days…maybe even some snow. It’s weather whiplash around here. But thank God we didn’t have the bad winds and tornadoes. Our family is safe, and that’s all that matters. Stuff can be replaced if need be, but not our people.

The low place in our yard fills up with rainwater every spring.

One of my WV granddaughters lives on their horse farm. There is a low lying area with a creek running through it. Their driveway cuts this area in half and is elevated fifteen to twenty feet above the bottom. They sent us this picture yesterday afternoon showing the water high above the driveway. We are grateful they got to the barn side of the flood before the water blocked their way. They have places to stay and the horses are in the barn and safe, so it’s all just part of farm life in the Ohio River Valley.

When it rains hard up north, that water has to go someplace, so it heads downriver…filling up the estuaries on the way down. The higher the main waterway gets, the more the creeks and small streams that feed into it get backed up. More rain brings even more water to what’s coming down from up above us and we can get in trouble in a hurry. We watched the news last night and stores in Marietta are packing up and moving their merchandise to higher ground till the danger is past. Thank God for the early warning systems that helped to protect those in the low ground.

A walnut got stuck between branches last fall and here it stays.

I’ve never been IN a tornado. I’ve seen them many times, but was never affected directly by one. I don’t know if this was something I read when I was a kid or if someone told me this story, but there was a bad tornado in the Midwest somewhere. Gas pumps in the old timey service stations had a clear glass bubbler in the top. Someone pulled into a service station for gas and there was a broom straw driven right through the glass. Now…that seems like a pretty tall tale to me, but I’m just relaying what I heard. 

We didn’t get a lot done around here yesterday. I made biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. Still holding my weight below 165# so I’m ok with that. It’ll start falling again soon as we get busier outdoors. I got a lot done on the first sock of a pair I’m knitting. We watched a little TV till I was tired of it. Then I put my headphones on and listened to a thunderstorm. Mr. FixIt visits the barber tomorrow but other than that, we don’t have a thing scheduled this week.

We walked down to the creek last evening just before the skies opened up again. You could see where the grass was laid down that the water had been much higher last night. The field flowers are just beginning to pop up. The ground ivy has it’s delicate periwinkle blue flowers peeing out. The dandelions are offering up their shining faces to the hungry bees that are beginning to emerge. There were some little white flowers peeking out from under the fallen leaves and I can’t quite get them identified via Google Image Search. Do any of you know what they might be? Maybe when they open a little more, I’ll be able to tell better.


”For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.“

Isaiah 61:11 NIV

#Rain #Storms #Spring #Flowers

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