Super-moon, New Castle, Colorado

Mr. Virgo was the photographer in our family. When he bought his super duper new camera, I inherited his “OLD” camera. I had never in my life had as nice a camera as that OLD camera! But, try as I might, Mr. Virgo and I could be standing right beside each other, taking the same picture, on auto-everything, and his photo would be great and mine would look like one of my early attempts with the little Brownie camera I got when I was ten! So, now that he is gone, I have been trying my hand with his super duper camera and editing software. Bingo! It’s the camera! OK, maybe it’s not ALL the camera. I’ve been studying a ton of websites online for tips. Like, how to take pictures of the moon. My photos all show a bright, white orb in the sky that could just as easily be a filtered shot of the sun. This evening I Googled “How to take pictures of the moon” since it’s the Super Moon tonight. I wanted to get a shot with it rising over the mountain but I couldn’t read that fast! I found the trick is to use manual settings with a very fast shutter speed and still use auto-focus. This keeps your f-stop in the correct setting. Or something like that. I don’t know. All I know is I FINALLY got the shot of the moon I’ve been looking for. Now that I know what to do, I will try to get a shot of the moonrise from up around Genesee or Red Rocks so I can see it coming up over the horizon above Denver. I’m sure having fun with this new camera. Mr. Virgo would be proud…or horrified that I’m touching his NEW CAMERA! :-O

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