SUCH Good News!!!

Guess where I am???

OMGosh, y’all…I had my last appointment with the endocrine surgeon yesterday morning and received such good news. My numbers are now in the normal range!!! That means my second surgery was a success. I thought it must be improved because I’ve been feeling much better the last six months. I no longer feel the deep bone pain I had before. And, as my sweet husband can attest…I’m no longer Miss Cranky Pants! I don’t need to see Dr. Phay again unless something comes up. He said while it IS possible one of the remaining glands may give me trouble in the future, it’s not very likely. Thank you, Jesus and Dr. Phay!!!

An additional high note is…the new medicine I’ve been taking for sleep seems to be doing the trick. Instead of an occasional restful night, it’s flipped and I have an occasional night with not quite as much sleep as I would like and the rest are 8-9 hours of good, solid snoozing. Can I get another “Praise, Jesus!” 

I finished Christmas Stocking #9 yesterday!

I’m on cloud nine! Mr. FixIt and I went to town yesterday afternoon to get more birdseed for our little feathered friends. We needed to get birthday presents for two of our great grandsons. And we were out of eggs. I am praying the next generation of laying hens fare better and aren’t plagued with avian flu. I didn’t even ask Mr. FixIt how much the eggs were at Aldi’s. We are fortunate to be able to still afford most of the foods we are accustomed to eating. We have cut way back on red meat. We mostly eat roast pork and chicken when it’s on sale. But it sure hurts to pay so much for eggs.

After we arrived home from town and I got the groceries put away, I packed a few things and headed to the farm for a couple of days. It has been quite a while since I’ve stayed out here…maybe before Thanksgiving? I’m not sure. All I know is, I needed a farm fix! I brought my laptop, a book, the new Girlcamper and Country Living Magazines, and my knitting. I brought out some of the leftover spaghetti sauce, a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup, and some pancake mix. Oh, and a couple of slices of the Hummingbird Cake!

It is so quiet and peaceful out here at the farm. It’s toasty warm with the gas stoves and the furnace running. I have an electric blanket on the bed so I am cozy and snug as a bug in a rug. I’ll make some phone calls that I don’t seem to have time for when I’m at home. I’ll go back to my sweetie tomorrow morning because it’s supposed to start snowing on Friday. I am so blessed to have access to my childhood home. Even though it technically isn’t “ours,” we work all summer mowing and keeping the place up in exchange for getting to stay here whenever we can. And that makes my heart sing!


“My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens.”

Isaiah 32:18 MSG

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