Scratch, Scratch, Scratch

I sleep in the camper whenever it’s warm enough and we’ve been getting some lovely, unseasonably warm weather this month. When I came in yesterday morning, Mr. FixIt was still snoozing so I went to the kitchen to make my tea. While I waited for the kettle to boil, I heard a noise. At first, it sounded like it was in the bottom kitchen cabinet by the refrigerator. I was almost afraid to open the door, but I finally screwed up my courage enough to take a peek fully expecting a raccoon to pop out at me. Whatever it was it sounded big!

Relieved that Rocky Raccoon wasn’t taking up residence in the kitchen cupboard, I tried to follow more closely to see exactly where it was coming from. I finally made my way into the hallway on the other side of the wall from the kitchen. There, very clearly over by the door…something was definitely in the wall.

We live out in the country on five acres. We get critters from time to time but none that sound this big. I was ready to tear the wall apart, but the ever wise Mr. FixIt stopped me because then we would not only have a big hole in the wall, but we would also very likely have a critter in the house with us. He assured me…if it found its way in there, it can find its way out. Just give it some time.

Finally around 3:00 it stopped scratching around and we assume it made its way out of the wall the same way it got in there. If it continues today, it will warrant further investigation, but for now…I’m sleeping in the camper out of the reach of the wild things! Mr. FixIt just laughs at me. He’s lived in the country a lot longer than I have!

What started out as a cloudy morning gave way to gusty winds, then the sun broke through and it was gorgeous. Mr. FixIt got out more baseboards and took them outside to paint. I work on the big project and made pizza. That was about the extent of the excitement in my world yesterday…which is fine by me. 

We’re supposed to have temps in the mid-70’s today, but it’s going to rain most of the day. Another home day! The grass is greening up and it will be time to mow before long if this keeps up. With this early warmth, I’ve been listening for the peepers to start singing. They shouldn’t be out this early, but the last few years, they have been. Climate change will do that. Although I’ve seen posts on Facebook affirming their presence, I have not heard them here at Marshmallow Ranch. 

I have been hearing more and more birds in the last week. The songbirds have been warning up their pipes at the first light of dawn. I especially notice them when I’m sleeping in the camper. We keep the feeders full so they can get some quick fuel when they arrive from their winter grounds. Lots of suet blocks so they get some fat for energy. They make my heart sing. I still have to laugh at our little Tufted Titmouse that taps on the window…telling Mr. FixIt the window feeder needs refilled. 

The world is waking up. God’s promise that life does go on…in spite of us. I know there is such a large swatch of the nation facing winter storms today. My heart is with you. Please…be safe out there!


“Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”

Song of Songs 2:12 NIV

2 thoughts on “Scratch, Scratch, Scratch

  1. At my last house my scratches in the walls turned out to be 3 HUGE rats. Not native to the desert at all. These came in on shipping containers. I had an ornamental plum tree for shade and they climbed it (or 1 pregnant one did) and made themselves at home. I used an electric trap.
    Yesterday afternoon we had a mini blizzard. Blackout conditions. Heavy winds, a couple inches of snow. Lots more coming over the next week.
    I’ve got doves, a few quail and lots of small birds already coming in for food. I even made some suet bricks for them. Bunnies and a lone squirrel get veggie bits and pellets. Thinking about adding a chicken coop this year too.

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