Santa Pays Attention!

I mentioned a while back that I wanted to take up painting again. Mr. FixIt read that…either on my FB page or on my blog. And then, Santa brought me a set of paints and some canvases! I love that he listened and remembered and helped me make a step closer to doing something that brings me joy.

The paint set he bought me was lovely…but it was mostly watercolors and try as I might…they’ve never been my forte. I’ve tried oils to no avail. But acrylics and pastels are my jam. I love the fact that I can leave them alone for a time and pick right back up where I left off. And if I don’t particularly like a certain color, I can paint over it without making a muddy mess. 

I love mixed media and landscapes and still life and just about anything without eyes. I don’t do people or animals well…try as I might. I do such an odd variety of subjects and styles. I once entered three paintings in an art show and I overheard one of the judges remark that if he didn’t know better, he would think the three paintings were done by three different artists. Perhaps they were. I tune into different parts of my psyche when I paint. I see things differently than most and it depends on the mood du jour as to how I’m going to interpret something and express it and with which medium.

I’ve always attributed this to being a Gemini…only my “twins” are more like quadruplets. Maybe it’s ADHD. Maybe it’s where I sit on the broad spectrum of what is commonly called “autism” but it explains creatives more clearly. I’ve never been happy just doing one thing over and over and over. It bores me to tears in a hurry. So I do “this one thing” till I’ve done it to death then I move on to “another thing”.

I have managed to reel that in a bit the last few years. After Mr. Virgo died and I downsized so drastically, I didn’t have room in my living space to keep all the accoutrements of every hobby I enjoy. Now I make a concerted effort to finish one project before I move on to another. I kind of broke my rule when I started knitting Christmas Stockings after the sweater instead of getting right back to the king sized quilt I’m making for our granddaughter’s wedding in June. I’m almost finished with the sixth or seventh stocking so today I’ll wrap that up and head to the sewing nook. That quilt isn’t going to sew itself and it needs doing now.

The weather has given us a wonderful reprieve from the dastardly cold snap we had before the holidays. We’re back up in the 60’s for a couple of days with rain. I don’t care about the rain and gloomy grey skies when I can get a few warm days in mid winter. And the icing on the cake??? Warmer nights to go with those warmer days which means…I get to sleep in the camper!!! Monday night and last night…two lovely nights in a row in one of my happiest of happy places! “Grace!”

Oh, to sleep snuggled under a pile of blankets in a camper listening to the rain on the roof! All this rain has the creeks roaring…an added bonus to the sounds of the night. Mr. FixIt and I went to town yesterday to run errands and we actually had lunch INSIDE a restaurant! It wasn’t terribly busy and we were in a booth somewhat protected from others. It was a lovely little island of normal and we had a great “date”! This man goes all out for me and it doesn’t go unnoticed!


“Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.”

Ephesians 5:25-28 MSG

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