My Man

I went on a little walkabout today to check out the pollinator gardens. It seems the only flowers right now are the daisies and tons of clover. I found a large patch of pink clover and the field is full of Indian Mock Strawberry (Potentilla indica), formally (Duchesnea indica). It’s everywhere and the little red berries look like miniature strawberries. But, they have no flavor whatsoever. Mixed in with other berries, you can eat them in jam. but I just look at them and smile at their little five-petal flowers and bright dots of red in the field grass. I think the daisies will continue to bloom for a while.

Mr. FixIt is such a doll. He had an errand to run this weekend and he did it yesterday so he could be here to help me pack up for my girl trip. His back is doing so much better, but I tried to keep him from toting too much heavy stuff. He did bring some jars of canned vegetable soup up from the basement but I took them from him at the top and carried them the rest of the way out to the camper.

I spent a good portion of the day cleaning and organizing the camper. It is so small that it doesn’t take long till it’s in total disarray. But now everything looks great…neat and tidy. I charged up the battery for the portable drill I use to raise and lower the stabilizing jacks. Mr. FixIt cut up a watermelon into chunks and I filled a container to put in the camper fridge. I didn’t need both big lockers that we use to store our outdoor kitchen items and dry goods. One sufficed.

I have knitting packed and a good book. I have friends coming for socializing. I love to girl camp. There’s always siesta time in our respective campers during the heat of the day then we come back out at social hour. We all contribute to the meals. I’m bringing some home-canned vegetable beef soup and some spicy pork green chili for the breakfast burritos. 

I’ll be back Thursday then we take the truck in on Friday for new rear brakes. Mr. FixIt will take it in next week to have the oil changed and the tires rotated. Then we need to stock the camper and pack up to leave on the 28th for our Colorado trip! The summer is always so jam packed full of fun! Mr. FixIt is going fishing today with Junior FixIt so I think I’ll mow before I leave for the campground. I hate to leave all that work for him.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. And Happy Dad’s Day to all the moms who had to do both jobs. Just like Mother’s Day, not all holidays bring happy memories and they can be difficult so if you struggle with this, my heart is with you.


“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”

Proverbs 27:19 NLT


No ads on Sunday…I hope you have a Blessed Day and get to go out into nature!

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