Hokey Smokes!

The bottom of our Dwarf Rhododendron doesn’t look so good.

Yesterday was one of those days when all I did was make more work for myself. I sat down to continue working on the taxes and I couldn’t find our receipt for the real estate taxes anywhere. So, off to our little village I went. I picked up a package at the Post Office then headed to the County Courthouse. After greeting the very nice guard at the entrance, I headed down the hall and ran into one of my Facebook friends. Rain and I hadn’t met in person yet. We came to be friends online through our mutual friend, Sparky. I introduced myself and we stood in the hallway for forty-five minutes. She loves to fish. Me, too! She makes jewelry out of old silverware. Me, too! (Though not for some time.) She loves to read, write, and takes awesome photographs. We love a lot of the same things so I think we’re going to be fast friends.

After we said our goodbyes, I went on down the hall to the Sheriff’s Office. I asked for a copy of our real estate taxes. She asked, “Paid or Due?” Turns out, the new ones are due at the end of the month so I just went ahead and paid them while I was there. I mean, it’s only money, right? Oy.

Next stop was the Piggly Wiggly. I love to tell you about my trips to the Piggly Wiggly because I just love to say…Piggly Wiggly. Whoever came up with that name deserves an award or a side of ribs or something! The Pig is the kind of grocery store you find in a town with 706 souls. There’s a large selection of locally produced items like jams and jellies and the like. There’s a small produce section that keeps the staples you need when a trip to town is out of the question. It’s got everything but alcohol. I think the section I love the best is all the Piggly Wiggly Merch. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, socks, tote bags all with the uber cute Piggy mascot. There are a couple of t-shirts with our town name on them and of course the local high school team has a strong presence. It’s small town living at its best and everyone is so friendly and nice.

I spent the rest of the day making phone calls and chatting with customer service over an item that needed returned. Finally, I looked up and saw the time. It was going on 5:00 and I needed to start supper. I took liver out of the freezer a couple of days ago and it had to be cooked last night. I had a package of ready made mashed potatoes in the fridge, but I was really disappointed to see they were bad…even though they were still in the “use by” date. So, out they went. I found some instant mashed potatoes in the pantry, but I think they were perhaps around since the Civil War. Out they went. In a last ditch effort, I got two cans of sliced white potatoes out and put them on to fry.

We wanted sautéed liver and onions. When I cut into the onions, they were rotten so I had to call Mr. FixIt in town to buy more. Finally, finally, finally I got everything cooked including some of my home canned half-runner beans and we ate high on hog, I’m telling ya!

I never did get back to the taxes. They’ll have to wait for today. Mr. FixIt kept busy all day working on the last of the hallway trim then he started on the big bathroom. By the end of the day, we were whupped. And mowing hasn’t even started yet! The cold front came in Wednesday night and it will be noticeably cooler the next few nights, so no “camping” for me till it warms up again. Mr. FixIt told me I need to get back out to the farm before I miss all the spring flowers! Soon, soon.


 “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.”

Hebrews 4:11 ESV


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