Hiking the Farm


Farm road
Processed with Snapseed.

Yesterday was glorious! Seventy-some degrees, intermittent clouds, gently breeze. I got my exercise by hiking up the hill to the back property line of the farm. There are seventy-four acres here to explore. It was gorgeous. I went to the old home place. The only thing left is the ruins of the old cellar house. I found a couple of old bottles and picked off some pieces of barn wood. It’s so fragile, you could almost crumble it in your hands. There were scraps of old leather boots and a chunk of glazed pottery from an old crock. The frogs were calling and the puddles were filled with tadpoles. As I came down the ridge below, I heard a racket back up at the strawberry barn and there were four or five huge buzzards coming in to roost for the night on the tin roof. On down the hill, I heard the call of the barred own I hear by the house occasionally. I made note of where the black raspberry patch is.

The yard was filled with dead limbs from the tree by the road so it took some time to get those hauled over to the brush pile. The peonies are up about a foot. The daffodils are in full bloom. There is a huge shrub in all the tangle by the creek that has exploded with deep coral pink blossoms. The rhododendron and boxwood by the drive are very healthy looking. Once the work and hike were done, I cooked up a huge batch of salmon cakes and steamed broccoli. After supper, I boxed up the leftovers and delivered them around to neighbors…something I’ve been wanting to do since I got here in August.

Yesterday was one of those days that makes you feel like you just got let out of jail. It was beautiful and liberating and I could finally breathe!

Ahhhh…the freedom of spring! ❤️

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

#share, #blessed, #abundance

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