Finally Finished With the Sweater

I finally finished the latest sweater! Yay!!! This one took me forever because I was so busy doing other things. But I kept plugging away at it whenever I had a few minutes to sit and knit. I love it! And…this one is for me! I put it on as soon as I finished and, while it is wool and alpaca, it’s really not very itchy. And it’s VERY warm and lightweight. I’m really happy with how it turned out and it will look good with jeans. 

I worked on the computer most of the day, still trying to get into the I*n*s*t*a*g*r*a*m account that got h*a*c*k*e*d. Why am I being cryptic? Because there are these things called b*o*t*s…little computer programs that have been programmed to constantly surveil the internet looking for whatever key word they’ve been programmed to find. Then, they zero in and attack the account. Sounds all hoodoo, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. It’s real and it’s a king-sized pain in the patoot. And, once they get ahold of you, they keep at it. I mentioned the word h*o*c*k*e*y the other day and one commented with a link that looked like it was taking you to a g*a*m*e. I have no idea if it did, I just blocked it and removed it.

I’ve been so lucky over these last ten years. I’ve rarely ever had to crack down on anyone. I’ve seldom had to deal with t*r*o*l*l*s on this page. I hope that doesn’t change now, but we will have to see. All of this has had me thinking. Maybe this whole thing has been a God Wink to lead me in a different direction. Maybe I’m not meant to continue writing an essay every single day. Maybe God is asking me to once and for all get that book…or BOOKS…finally finished and published. I’m praying about it and I’d like for you all to pray for me as well that God will give me clear direction in what direction He wants me to go.

I can’t NOT write. I’ve been down that road before. I think the most I ever lasted was two or three days. Writing for me is as imperative as eating or breathing. But maybe I need to focus that writing into something you can hold on to and re-read as you need/want to without the whims of social media involved. I have SO many ideas for books and I’m not getting any younger. None of us are!

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is all coming around right as I hit the ten year anniversary of Marshmallow Ranch. I started this blog as a way to sell the art jewelry I was making in my home studio back in December of 2012. I was only working part time and I needed to bring in some extra money. Then, just three months later, Mr. Virgo died unexpectedly and I took everyone along with me on a difficult journey through grief.

I’ve picked up a lot of readers since then, but my FB numbers stay pretty level. Somewhere over 6,000 followers is nothing to sneeze at…it’s a respectable audience. I never set out to break records. I set out to help those coming up behind me on this difficult path. And, along the way I did a lot of healing and the blog morphed into my personal growth stage, then dating and finding love again after loss. It’s been a wonderful place to share stories and adventures.

I’m not at all sure where this train is going to end up, but I do know it can’t go on forever. I’ll just have to wait and see what Heavenly Father wants to do with me. And in the meantime, I write and tell stories and chase bad guys!

This week? Stay tuned for a trip up to get the a-frame camper from the service department in Ohio. Then the holiday cooking begins. Guess what we’re making for Christmas gifts this year? Homemade tamales!!! Ohhhh, this is going to be fun, y’all! I’m meeting high school friends for lunch on Wednesday. Friday night a bunch of friends from our graduating class are gathering for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. It’s going to be a busy and fun week, so hang on!


“The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”

Proverbs 16:1-3 ESV

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