Feel the Rain

Rain clouds

As I sit here writing this, Norah Jones softly crooning in the background, coffee by my side, I can hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. Another band of storms are about to pass through…the third today. A pair of mourning doves are foraging around beneath the feeders, unfazed by the approaching rain. Finches cling to the thistle socks hanging on shepherd’s hooks and the bright red flash of a cardinal swooping in catches my eye and makes me smile. They say cardinals are an indicator that angels are near. If that is true, the angels visit often because the cardinals are always here.

The sun breaks through the clouds between showers, warming the earth with its golden rays to a downright acceptable 70°. This makes my heart happy. There’s a load of sheets in the wash. Maybe I’ll hang them on the porch to gather the freshness of this glorious spring day to be relished as I gather them about me when I sleep tonight. There are ways of preserving sunshine…fresh linens is one of them.

I heard from a dear friend yesterday. There is a health concern and I sat in my rocker by the window…praying and contemplating how many are facing illness and injury in their lives right now. I was acutely aware of things like that in the immediacy of acute grief. My own experience made me sensitive and I felt everyone’s pain…deeply. I won’t say that feeling ever went away entirely, but life has a way of diverting your attention. You can’t live the rest of your life on the edge of your seat…Damocles’s Sword hanging above you. Somehow I became a little tougher, a little harder of a shell around my heart for self-preservation. My car accident in February broke through that little fence I built around my head…literally and figuratively.

It seems in the last month there has been more and more loss, more and more bad news, more and more worry. Ahhh, but this is the nature of life, is it not? Things go along quite smoothly and we forget what the rough stuff feels like. Not entirely, of course. Never entirely. After all…there are scars when you walk through fire. I will stand by my friend and walk along on this path of uncertainty and do my best to provide reassurance and support. That is what friends do. Some have credited Roger Miller as saying “Some people feel the rain; others just get wet.” If I’m going to live this life…really live it…I want to FEEL the rain. It is the only way I know I’m truly alive. ❤️

“And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
‭‭James‬ ‭5:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

6 thoughts on “Feel the Rain

  1. I love that quote and hope I can remember it for the years to come. Ebbs and flows.

    Thank you for another timely and touching post. Saying a prayer for your friend.

  2. Feel the rain by living life not just existing…
    Thank you for sharing, Ginny
    Love and prayers ❤️

  3. I love your remark, “There are ways of preserving sunshine…fresh linens is one of them.”
    I can actually smell the fresh air in the linens as you say that. Thank you, Ginny, thank you.


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