Crazy Weather!!!

My phone lit up like a Christmas tree all day. Severe weather warnings came in like fevered texts from a lovelorn boyfriend. We had to be in town at 1:00 for an appointment. I called the Former Mrs. Fixit around 11:00 to see how she was faring with the storms. We weren’t going to leave till noon, but the warnings were coming in hot and heavy so we booked it…only to run into a veritable wall of water ten miles away. 

I went to town last week to pay the taxes and tried to use my debit card because for some reason, my checks weren’t in my purse. They ran the card, then came back and said it didn’t go through because they were having trouble with their computers. So, I walked up the street to my bank and came back with cash. Then…low and behold, the charge DID go through. Argh! That was our first stop yesterday…to straighten it all out. It only took thirty minutes and I left with a check, and a new friend in the lovely clerk that helped me. She has suffered some pretty devastating losses so I thought she might find come comfort and support here.

The appointment went without a hitch and we headed out for a couple more errands…lunch, the grocery store, the pharmacy…you know the drill. We got back home before the weather broke again. I received a notification last evening about the 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan with a resultant tsunami warning. This is just crazy weather. Every years seems to get worse. We have plans to camp at the beach late this month so I am praying there aren’t any hurricanes or tornadoes on the Outer Banks!

Once we got home, tummies full, we got comfy in our Big Red Chairs and I set to work knitting another pair of socks with some yarn my bestie Gail gave me. It’s blue and orange with a little sparkly silver thread in it. More storms were forecast and we’re under another severe thunderstorm and tornado watch. It’s supposed to be 80° today and by Friday, we could have snow! 

I’m hoping you all are safe from these severe storms. Please be careful out there and keep your phones charged. Have plans for a safe shelter. Please let us know how you’re doing!


”He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.“

Matthew 16:2-3 NIV

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