Comfort Food

Pot roast from

Today’s the day…time for the first “comfort food” meal of fall. Mr. FixIt and I have been working at our respective homes a lot the last week or so and haven’t had a day at home for a while. Today is trash day. It’s “install the new bathroom heater because we bought one without a thermostat, oh my gosh, what were we thinking” day. It’s a day to reconnect and play cards and visit. Today is “Pot Roast Day”. I’m pretty sure it’s a national holiday.

I love pot roast. I love a good bone-in pot roast but haven’t seen one of them in a grocery store for years. Mr. Virgo always said the flavor of meat comes from the bone, but everything seems to be boneless anymore. My grandma used to can beef. On Sundays, she’d go get a couple quarts of canned beef, drain it, dredge the chunks of tender meat in seasoned flour and fry it in butter. Makes my swoon to think of it. You could cut it with a knife and it literally melted in your mouth. A nice brown gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and buttered bread made the BEST Sunday supper ever!

It’s cold today. It was supposed to get down to 32 last night with a high today of only 47. It rained like crazy yesterday and there was graupel associated with it. Graupel occurs when supercooled water droplets freeze onto snowflakes. It looks like tiny hail, but it’s soft. It’s common in Colorado but this is the first time I’ve seen it here in West Virginia. We’ll have snow before we know it. I’m getting there, but I’m not ready yet. The mower and the summer garden tools have been put away and the porches are cleared off. Progress is being made!

I heard a great horned owl last night. Can Halloween be far behind? Have a happy Wednesday, dear ones! ❤️

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8:22‬ ‭ESV‬‬


7 thoughts on “Comfort Food

  1. Oh you are so right! Roast “beast as my boys would call roast beef is the ultimate comfort food! I have the same sides as you mentioned but I also make apple salad. Yum!
    Maybe you and Mr fix it should go to a butcher shop and then you could buy whatever cut of meat you want plus you could buy a quarter of a beef and have it cut, tenderized,packaged to your liking.
    Thanks for your posts!

      1. It’s a better time for everyone, plenty of digestion time before getting horizontal when that is all supposed to be over, and the internal organ & systems ‘housecleaning’ begins for the night. Modern research says it’s best to have a night time break of at least 10, preferably 12-6 hours between last meal of the day and the next day’s first meal. Which means last meal at about 4-5 pm, and breakfast about 9 or 10. Studies have shown that is the key to maximum calorie burning and steady, gradual, and sustainable weight loss. Who’da thunk,
        with our post-industrial schedules of maximum activity loads.

      2. in rural areas, there are custom butchers who travel to farms to butcher hogs and cattle on site. Ask around (feed store) to find a local producer, and have it done. The premium quality and nutritional value of the meat will take care of the butchering costs. These places usually have freezer lockers for you to store your cut& wrapped & labeled meats.

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