Camping People Are The Best!

I’ve missed out on a ton of fun in my life. For years and years I tried to get my second husband to get a camper or an RV and it just wasn’t his thing. He was a city boy and a doctor…not a camper. For a very brief period, we had a VW Vanagon popup but it had a lot of mechanical problems. We were poor as church mice so we sold it to have a down payment on a house. 

It was so cloudy yesterday morning, you couldn’t see across the river!

I never realized how great camping people were till I lost Mr. Virgo and bought Little TOW-Wanda. When I went on my first Grand Adventure as a widow, I met some of the nicest people on my way through the wilderness and backroads of Colorado. Some I’ve even stayed in touch with. Some have followed me on my adventures ever since.

I like to cook outdoors when we camp to keep the smells and grease out of the camper.

As I’ve told you, I met my true match when Mr. FixIt and I found each other again. My daughter tells me I can talk to a tree. She’s right, of course. And my sweetheart is exactly the same. He attracts and collects people and we always have the most interesting conversations with people from all over the country.

When we were sitting out by the river yesterday, the folks in the campsite next to us came over for a visit. Of course, in the first five minutes, we found out we knew a ton of the same folks. She had worked with the Former Mr. FixIt. His sons bowled on Mr. FixIt’s league. We had been chatting for about an hour when I told them the story of losing Mr. Virgo and how it caused me to create this blog.

The gal went on to tell me she’s never really gotten into reading blogs…she reads what’s on FB. That’s ok…not everyone is into long winded storytelling. I get that. But when I mentioned Marshmallow Ranch, she whipped around and looked at me with a huge surprised smile on her face.

“Ohhhhh!!!!! GINNY!!!!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She said, “I see you on Facebook all the time! I read what you post on FB!” Mr. FixIt just shook his head and smiled. He might know everybody in town, but I’ve got peeps all over the world! And that’s pretty cool!

We fiddled around the campsite all day. I cooked a big camp breakfast in the outdoor kitchen, then set the pot roast to cooking in the crockpot for the day. It was my bonus daughter’s birthday so we talked with her a few times. I sat under the awning so I could stay out of the sun and protect my face. I started knitting a baby sweater on Monday so I worked on it all day. 

We packed up hot roast beef and sandwich fixings and went to a fishing hole we found. We took our chairs. I knitted. Then we ate supper along the lagoon as the sun started to set on a gorgeous September day. This is my all time favorite time of the year to camp. Crisp nights, sunny days. I’m packing all these memories up to tide me over the winter when we are stuck inside for months.

Foggy river morning.

And….did I tell you? We LOVE this new camper! They called to say the Big Birdhouse is ready to pick up so we are going there Friday. A week of camping!


“There will be swarms of living things wherever the water of this river flows. Fish will abound in the Dead Sea, for its waters will become fresh. Life will flourish wherever this water flows.”

Ezekiel 47:9 NLT

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