Camping in the Cold

Brrrrrrr….the high yesterday was only 52° and it was downright chilly. I put a roast in the slow cooker in the morning and let it simmer with onions, mushrooms, and beef bone broth till it was fork tender. We served it over noodles and it really hit the spot last night. We sat outside as much as we could in front of the propane heater but eventually we went inside because we were freezing. We brought our DVD set of the entire series of West Wing, so we sat in the dinette and watched that while I knitted. I got half of the last arm of the 3 year size sweater done yesterday. 

I didn’t hear any owls this trip. And camping here just isn’t the same without my dear friend Gail as the camp host. It just felt kinda sad, because I remember so many wonderful spring and fall camp outs here with the girls.

The campground really started filling up in the afternoon. Our “next door neighbor” arrived around 8:00 last night so there was quite a bit of banging around for a while. I’m so glad to see people getting out camping and enjoying the outdoors. I called yesterday to see when the A-Frame camper will be finished and they said it depended on when they got the wallboard. I asked them to go ahead and winterize the camper so we won’t run the chance of any pipes freezing before it gets back to us.

As much as I would love to camp again next week, Mr. FixIt is right…we have stuff to do to get ready for winter. We may need to mow again, both at home and at the farm. We still haven’t winterized the pool yet. And the elephant ear and African lily bulbs need to be dug up and dried then placed in the basement for the winter. We are hoping to get the roof replaced over the family room before the snow flies. 

Our wedding anniversary is coming up next week, too. Hard to believe…the last four years have flown by! We were supposed to stay here till tomorrow, but Mr. FixIt is substituting for his friend for bowling league the next few weeks as he recovers from surgery. We figured we’d better get back home and give him a chance to rest up his back before he bowls. We need to get a better mattress for the camper next spring. This one is really hard. 

I had the best memory foam mattress in my first little camper, and even though the bed in Big TOW-Wanda was a queen size, I put that same full sized mattress in it and used it till I bought the little camper that fell apart on the trip to Colorado in 2019. When I sold that camper out there as a project camper, I traded mattresses with my son-in-law’s mom. I took an older mattress for the camper, and left that nice memory foam one for their guest bedroom. So, I get to sleep on it when I to out there to visit. It’s one of the nicest mattresses I’ve ever slept on and I can’t find another one like it. I want a queen sized one for this camper so I’m on the hunt for a good one. 

Did you know a lot of the memory foam mattresses have fiberglass in them? I didn’t know that. I’ve read about people who get terrible rashes from the fibers. The ones without fiberglass are more expensive, of course. But you get what you pay for. Good quality always costs more.


“You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter.”

Psalm 74:17 ESV

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