Another Trip to Town!

It just doesn’t end! Yesterday I had to go in for a test that took about a half hour. Easy peasy…just had to lay there, turn this way, turn that way, hold my breath…you know the drill. Within a couple of hours the results came back…all good! I had one million errands to do. You know those days when you think… “I’ll do these five things and be back home by noon…1:00 tops!” Am I the only one who NEVER gets that right? It was 6:30pm when I got home! Errands that I thought would take 5-10 minutes turned out taking an hour…EACH! Ugh. And to think, I couldn’t even blame it on Mr. FixIt. He stayed home!

Ah, well…I did get just about everything I need for this new project. At least until I decide to tweak it a little. I’ve been known to tweak. Bless my heart. I just didn’t get anything done at home but that will change today. I don’t have to go anywhere for DAYS!

Living in the country on a septic system presents challenges. I am not sure, but I don’t think the septic system out at the farm has EVER been treated with RidX, but Mr. FixIt treats ours once a month. Now, with as many places here that have septic systems, you would think RidX would be something easy to find. Well, it is…sorta. Mr. FixIt doesn’t like the liquid variety. The first two places I went to only had one month supplies of the powdered variety. Finally, I found the three month pack. Then, I blew my frugal husband away when I found a SIX MONTH supply of a different brand for the same as the three month. Winner, winner…chicken dinner! I know the way to my man’s heart…save him some money!

While I was at Sam’s Club looking for the RidX, I came across a display of “Grammy Skirts.” My girls called my mom Grammy. She used to wear these elastic-waisted, pleated skirts. She’d pull the waist way up under her boobs. Mama had a “yummy tummy” and wasn’t in the least bit self conscious about it. I sent my girls a picture of the “Grammy Skirts” and they both remembered right away. I mean…how could we forget? My mom was one of a kind. No one is ever going to forget her. She was golden and everyone loved her. Next Monday, she’ll be gone nineteen years. So hard to believe. She left us way too soon!

A couple of my stops were for some supplies for my “secret project” and I was so pleased to have coupons that cut the prices WAY down. Over half in some cases. I love a deal and since this is a process I’ve never tried before, I really don’t want to invest a ton of money in it till I know if I’m going to enjoy it. I priced some other things on my wish list for future reference. 

I bought myself a day planner that was half off. I use my iPhone and iPad exclusively to keep track of things, but sometimes I find the old fashioned way easier to keep track of. I am a visual person. I need to see things written down in order to commit them to memory. One thing that may challenge this project I’m doing is my memory, so I want to stay on top of things to give myself the best advantage for success.

I called Mr. FixIt eleven times yesterday! By the last call, I told him he was probably sick of hearing from me and he was adamant I’m never a bother…he loves talking to me and hearing my voice as much as I love his. For someone who says she needs time away to recharge, I sure do miss the heck out of that man in a couple of hours!

Today…I get organized! 


“But be sure that everything is done properly and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:40 NLT

4 thoughts on “Another Trip to Town!

  1. I am back reading you your life now an your smart wisdom…..I kind of have stood still taken care of a brother with illnesses ..I kind of got very busy with a cousin & my brother, time gets away…over my depression from holidays, glad to read you again. You do have a gift of giving! ….. keep me in your thoughts & prayers, at 85 , I need guidance from an view point of younger lady.

    1. I will keep you in my prayers and add you to our Sunday Evening Prayer Circle, dear one. As I am heading into my 70th birthday, your gentle reminder that I am still a “young lady” warmed my heart and made me smile. I think the best advice I’ve ever gotten was this. Just do your best. Your “best” will vary from day to day, but…if you can go to bed at night and hand your work slip over to God and honestly tell Him you did your best? Well, I have every reason to believe he will accept that any day of the week. Thank you for sharing…I’m glad you’re back here with us! ?

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