A Good Time Was Had

Tuesday night was clear as a bell and the stars were so close it felt like you could reach out and brush them around with your hand. When we got home from town, the moon was just short of rising of the far ridge across the two-lane blacktop. By the time I went out to write my post, the moon had come up and it was so bright out, I didn’t need the headlamp I always carry with me. 

I wrote my post and as I crawled under the covers, the moon was shining through the camper window and I just had to get up and capture the moment. It didn’t disappoint! One shot and it was perfect. I love when I get good pictures to share with you all. I can paint pictures with my words, but it’s also magical to have the photographic evidence to back it up.

I didn’t sleep very well Tuesday night. Even though the outdoor temp was in the 40’s, I was way too hot. Too many blankets, heavy jammies, and I needed to open the window I had closed earlier. When I finally drifted off, I slept blissfully deep and was rearing to go when I got up yesterday morning.

I drove to town to pick up my bonus WV Daughter. We met her mom at Kreinik Manufacturing to check out their sale and take a tour of the factory floor. We were all really excited to see the place and I was happy to see the parking lot full. I picked up a a beautiful cross stitch kit for 32 count linen using silk thread. I still need to get the linen and I need a couple little items that are helpful for working with cross stitch. OMGosh! It’s been so many years since I’ve done that. I got so burned out on needlework when I had my shop. This is getting me excited to pick up my needle and thread. I also bought a couple of cones of pure silk yarn to make a little summer tee.

Here’s a cool video showing some of the spinning machines that make the specialty threads that Kreinik produces. Some of these machines are over 100 years old and were used by Goodyear to spin the fibers that go in tires. These threads are used all over the world by needle artists, costumers, and fly fishermen.

When we finished at Kreinik’s, we drove over to Mary B’s…one of our favorite little restaurants in town. We had a late breakfast and wonderful conversation till I finally had to take my leave and head off for errands. I wanted to get the oil changed and the tires rotated, but when I got there…I would have been the fifth person in line and that was a no go for me. I’ll try again on Friday. I paid the taxes and stopped to pick up the new dishwasher and headed home.

Mr. FixIt and I unloaded the new appliance and stored it for when we are ready to install it. We found a space to put it under cover without it being IN the living room! Score! Mr. FixIt had been out all afternoon cutting up trees and we were both whupped. I cooked some spaghetti and heated up the sauce with Italian sausage and called it good. I couldn’t get it together to even pick up my crochet hook to work on the shark slippers.

I’m so happy we don’t have to go anywhere today…unless something unforeseen should arise. I’m looking forward to a home day!


”My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.“

Isaiah 32:18 NIV

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