A Big Ol’ WV Thunderstorm

I went out yesterday to put the top down on the Big Birdhouse and caught sight of this little dew covered spider web. There was a small black spider in the “tunnel” and he came out to see me for a few seconds before scurrying back to safety.

I had every intention of sewing on the quilt yesterday, but one thing after another kept me busy. Mr. FixIt had to go to town before lunch to get the oil changed and tires rotated on the pickup for our trip to the beach. I stayed home to catch up on things around here. I didn’t get half what I wanted done, but it was still productive. The slow laptop is hampering my progress at every turn. I’m not sure what else to do to speed it up, but I have to do something. I can’t sit around all day and only get two small projects completed.

The weather was beautiful again yesterday. The Weather Channel predicted rain at 8:30 yesterday morning so I jumped up, got dressed, and hurried out to put the top down on the Big Birdhouse. There’s a small place on one corner of the dormer that I want to touch up with silicone sealant and I didn’t want any water near it. Turns out, it didn’t rain at all and the sun broke through the clouds mid-afternoon. It stayed nice till about 8:30PM when a cold front blew through and stirred up the winds. Of course, this happened after I came out to write my post. I’ve gone through worse so I just stayed out there. It wasn’t predicted to amount to much.

Mr. FixIt didn’t get home till 8:00 with his arms full of groceries. He had errands of his own to take care of and sometimes he just needs a day off to himself doing whatever he wants to do. Lord knows he deserves it after the week he had. He really worked hard and got a lot accomplished. He was a dear and brought me a sandwich from Arby’s.

One of my dearest peeps in the world got hold of me yesterday to tell me her sweet daddy went to be with Jesus this week. Yesterday would have been his 102nd birthday. He almost made it. She called…not only to tell me, but to ask if I had any particular memories of her dad. I remembered he wore little round wire rimmed glasses. I also remembered the first time I saw him on TV, I thought Mr. Roger’s was exactly like her dad. Same gentle spirit…same kind demeanor. She laughed and said, “Yeah…I can see that!” I hope she knows what a wonderful thing she did for her dad helping him so much in his final years as a widower.

As I was writing this last night, a big ol’ West Virginia thunderstorm blew up and I put everything aside. Not because I was afraid of anything happening to my electronics. But, because I LOVE thunderstorms and I wanted to close my eyes in the camper and just listen to the thunder rolling across the surrounding hills. We may get more storms today so I am hoping to sew. I want to get that quilt top finished before Monday so I can take it in to be quilted.

I received my new iPad keyboard case yesterday. This time I bought the same model as the one that got me through the last six years or so. I am familiar with the keyboard as it is the same as the one that died a few weeks ago. No more skipped letters and the aggravating chore of editing!

This is good because my sweet friend who always sends me a text when she finds a typo is off on a European vacation! I’m only slightly jealous. lol I hope you all are safe and secure from any inclement weather this weekend. Be safe and I’ll see you tomorrow!


“Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, your lightning lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked.”

Psalms 77:18 NIV


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