Where Did the Year Go?

Our little bonus patch of volunteer petunias…teeny, tiny…hiding in the tub of African Lilies

Mr. FixIt and I were talking on the way home from camping Friday. It was grey and chilly…one of those misty October days that chills you to the bone. A day we weren’t entirely prepared for. I was looking around and noticing the beauty of the moment…the beautiful trees lining the highway with their flashy show of red, orange, and yellow…dulled by the spooky-dim light of late afternoon. 

“Where did the year go? I swear…it was just gone. In a snap!”

“Some years are like that.”

Yeah…they are. And the older we get, the more “like that” they become. 

We did a LOT this year. It started out with Covid vaccines. Then, my surgery in Florida. Interviews and published writing. The beach trip to the Outer Banks. New Carpet in the family room. Then the kids came from Colorado. Little stayed with us for two weeks. A couple camping trips. Doctor’s appointments. A new-to-us camper. A month long trip to Colorado. More camping. Specialists in Columbus. A quick trip to Beaver Falls. More camping. Another NEW camper. And MORE camping. Yeah…ok…that’s where the year went.

For the most part it’s been a ton of fun, except the surgery part. I’m still undergoing testing trying to find the missing parathyroid glands they couldn’t find in the first surgery. It’s looking like I’ll have to have a second surgery because my numbers are still elevated and I have the same symptoms. But, we can’t do the surgery till we figure out where these little suckers are hiding. Go figure.

I love this…a LONG stemmed rose (nearly a foot taller than me) wrapped with the morning glory

In the meantime, we hit the ground running yesterday. So much to get done because we’ve been out galavanting around instead of doing what needs to be done around here. I worked on winterizing the campers yesterday. I didn’t have enough RV Antifreeze to do both so I had to go on the hunt for some. I started cleaning out the little a-frame to prepare it for winter. I got it winterized. We need to bring the twin mattress back inside and get all the food items out of there and set out the mice repellant. 

Mr. FixIt worked on the brakes on his truck all day. It was so chilly out there, we were both freezing when we called it quits for the day. I made our first pot of chili of the season. My chili never tastes the same from time to time because I rarely ever cook with a recipe. And, I like to put a little bit of bittersweet chocolate in my chili. It’s something I learned in Colorado. I think it really adds depth to the flavor. I use Lindt Bittersweet 70% Cacao. Just half a square. I eat the other half. It’s good for you!

I lost the battle over the furnace today. Poor Mr. FixIt was getting cramps in his hands because they were so cold, so the furnace is on for the season now. The bedroom window is still cracked open a couple of inches. It takes a LOT for me to give in on that one! 

We are scheduled to get our Covid Booster Shot this afternoon. I wasn’t sure how to go about scheduling it, but my dear friend Diane set me on the right course and it is SO easy! Just go to vaccine.gov and select “Find Covid-19 Vaccines” and follow the directions. If you are 65 or over, you qualify for the booster. There are other conditions which qualify you, as well. The website will give you all the information you need. We’ve both had our flu shots. Now we’ll get our Covid boosters, keep wearing masks in public, practice social distancing, maintain good hand hygiene, and keep our hands away from our faces. We didn’t have so much as a sniffle since this all started. I am all about preventive medicine!

Stay healthy, my friends!


“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”

3 John 1:2 ESV

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