When God Closes Doors…

“God sometimes sends us a wink to let us Know He’s the one in charge.”

First…let me thank you all so much for your support and kind comments on yesterday’s post. It took me a lot of introspection and a lot of prayer to come to the realization that I needed to make a change in my writing schedule. The message I kept getting from God was “It’s time.” I’m the one that kept dragging my feet and trying to argue with Him. 

I’m not one to really care about the numbers of followers on my blog, but it is an indicator of “how I’m doing” as far as hitting the ball out of the park. For the last year, my numbers have been flat which means as many people left as joined and that had never happened before. I know the content of the blog shifted a lot, but I still don’t think it was the entire story. The flat numbers was my first indicator that God was trying to tell me something.

As I began to entertain the thought of change, God kept sending more and more validation that I was on the right path. Other opportunities continued to come up and I just couldn’t avoid it anymore. Then, to absolutely bring the point home….something really fun just landed in my lap yesterday. I’ll tell you more about it in a few weeks, but it was just such a blatant God wink that I literally laughed out loud and clapped my hands when I got out of the meeting.

I’ll still be posting daily till the New Year. And, even after that, I’ll post encouragement frequently. Just shorter posts. These long posts can take three hours or more to write. I’m really torn…because I want to be here for you and I love being here for you…and for me.

They say when one door closes, another opens. It doesn’t always happen so fast that it can’t be missed. Sometimes we have to wait and wait and wait. This is where Faith comes in…when we have to trust in God’s timing and not our own. I don’t claim to understand how it all works but, gosh…it really feels good when God winks at you.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

8 thoughts on “When God Closes Doors…

  1. Ginny, I almost left you when you’d post things that felt contrary to my spirit. It seemed you were too much of a feminist, too new agey etc. Sorry that’s the best way i Can explain how I felt. The day you posted about the ‘tent revival ‘ I knew God was at work! Praise the Lord! Truth is your numbers are flat for the oposite reasons of why I almost left you. You’re going to reach those the good Lord needs you to reach and that is as it should be.
    Merriest if Christmasas to you and Mr.Fix-it

  2. Those times when it feels like the world is shaking all around you, you look down at your feet and see it is God shaking you up. Sometimes He needs to shake us up to move us in the direction He has planned for us. So glad you see and know that. And I’m with you, God winks are the best! Cheers to new adventures!

  3. I truly like the feminist/new age side of you. I feel you provide a good healthy combination – especially for those of us that have a different perspective with religion and spirituality. I believe your numbers will again climb as your message is told in a way that touches a person no matter what their beliefs may be. Reading your blog has become sort of a ritual for me. I usually read a weeks worth at a time with a hot cup of coffee and the quiet of an early morning.

    1. I am a true Gemini…a twin. I think that’s why I see all sides of an argument. I know I throw things in that ruffles feathers and my hope is it makes people think. My feeling is this…God created all things and that includes me and my mind. There are so many mysteries in life and I’m just curious enough to get to the bottom of them as best I can. Thanks for your words of support, dear one! ❤️

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