The Praying Mantis

I’ve seen these around the last few weeks. The first one was about a month ago and it wasn’t a half inch long…just a hatchling, or thereabouts. About a week ago, I was driving to town to join my high school friends for coffee when I noticed another one on the windshield wiper. It was about an inch long and, unfortunately, it was swept away before I could find a place to stop and rescue it. 

This one was on the frame of the garage door. I always like to see these glorious creatures because, for the most part, they keep the bug count down here on Marshmallow Ranch. They’re a scary looking critter, but they won’t hurt you a bit. Now, that’s not saying what happens to the male during mating. The female evidently becomes a little peckish by all that activity and is known to chow down on her paramour…while doing the deed. They have a lot in common with black widow spiders in that regard.

Folk lore says spying the mantis is a sign to be still and meditate. She looks for all the world like she’s praying, yet “preying” is far more accurate. They are odd with their triangular shaped head and their googly eyes. When they are very still, they will pivot their head and stare right into you. And…oh my gosh…those claw like forearms and “hands”. They definitely have some creep factor working for them. I would never kill one of these beauties. They remind me, like the platypus and the giraffe…God definitely has a sense of humor.

I went to the grocery story yesterday and I’m telling you…I can’t remember the last time I went and bought a cart full of groceries. We just don’t eat that much. But we have the kids coming today, and the family gathering Sunday to meet each other. So I needed lots of stuff. I’m going to make homemade pizzas for the crowd. We’ll swim. And catch lightning bugs. And eat watermelon. And maybe watch a movie on my new outdoor theater! 

Prayers for safe travels for my kiddos. Oh, I can’t wait to get my hands on them!!!


“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Romans 1:20 ESV

2 thoughts on “The Praying Mantis

  1. What fun! These are by far my favorite insects. I love “hatch day” every year. This year I never found the ootheca and have only seen one hatchling. I know they are around and in a month or so, I should find the queen of the castle in several of the prime spots around the yard (one or sometimes two in the food garden, one in the native bed, one on the patio in the peppers where houseflies hang out on the wall to warm up, and one in the bush under the hummingbird feeder to catch the bees and wasps that come to the feeder. Enjoy your family visit <3

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