The First Day of Winter

Ahhhh, the Winter Solstice has come and gone and so has the longest night of the year! Every day forward…from now to June 21st…every day will bring more light and less darkness. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? 

It would be very easy to wish this time of darkness away. To only look forward to brighter, better days. But if we do that, we are cheating ourselves out of an experience. All experiences…good and bad…have a purpose. Good times make us joyful. Bad times make us stronger. And quiet times give us space to meditate. To slow down. To breathe and just…be. ALL times should make us grateful for the experience.

I awoke in the early hours yesterday and couldn’t get back to sleep. I ruminated on several things that I couldn’t put away. I read for a while. I tossed and turned. I know I was keeping Mr. FixIt awake, but I just kept thinking I’d fall asleep soon. Three hours later, just after dawn, I finally drifted off and my sweetheart came in at noon to check on my. I’d been awake for just a few minutes. Even though he was on the other end of the house, and I hadn’t made a sound…he knew I was awake. He’s good that way.

Since it was so late, I heated up the leftover quiche for “brunch” and we settled into our cozy red chairs. I picked up my knitting and started Christmas stocking #4. Winter is definitely coming in the next couple of days. I was chatting with my dear friend Sue in Colorado the other night and they are predicting the lowest wind chill temperatures EVER recorded. I sent a message to the girls to make sure they keep the cabinet doors open under the sinks so the room heat can get in and to keep the faucets dripping slightly to avoid freezing pipes.

Our furnace is right beside our pipes in the basement here at Marshmallow Ranch, so I’m not terribly concerned about freezing. I think we are pretty prepared out at the farm. Pumpkin Kitty has a 30’x40’ building that’s all her own with a heated bed and a heated water dish, a big window to look out of, and Mr. FixIt leaves the light on for her at night. He’s sweet that way. 

We have plenty of food and water. We have the gas fireplace in the family room and a gas wall stove in the basement if the power should go off. We have the generator, too. We cook with gas so I’m pretty sure we could last for quite some time without power if need be. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Please stay safe out there and check in to let us know what’s happening in your neck of the woods!


“The windstorm comes from its chamber, and the cold from the driving north winds. Ice is formed by the breath of God, and watery expanses are frozen.”

Job 37:9-10 CSB

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