The Fairy Cottage

A couple of days ago I realized my stress level was getting out of hand. When we make proclamations to do good, we are often attacked by dark forces trying to counteract and regain balance. All energy in the universe has a counterbalance…light/dark, good/evil, Heaven/Hell. My IBS symptoms were raging and my anxiety was dangerously close to being triggered. I felt like I had tears stuck in my throat all the time. I was quickly letting things spiral out of control. To regain my balance, the first thing I did was reach out my hand and ask God to hang on to me and take this all away. The second thing I did was tell all dark energy to get away from me now. Then the third thing I did was invite all things light and good to come rushing back in to fill the void left by the vanishing darkness. Seriously, what had been going on for about 12 hours completely reversed in mere moments. It was astonishing. You have to understand…some of these things are totally new to me. I’ve never tried that before. I was bowled over that it worked. All I had to do…quite literally…was ask, and it was done. Then, of course…I had to say a hearty thank you!

It is no surprise to you that I have been upset with my aunt these last few weeks. My whole world was turned upside down for me to come here to help her. If I would have known it would have lasted only 10 weeks, I never would have moved everything here. I never would have spent that money to move things here. I may not have bought such a big trailer. I don’t know. But things would certainly have looked different right now. It’s not those things that had me upset, however. It was something else entirely.

In the late ’70s, I read a book called Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. I started practicing this as a tool to combat a moderately severe anxiety disorder. In my meditations, the house out on the farm became my safe place…my happy place. In my anger and pain over things not working out the way I had the script written, I decided that my aunt had ruined my visualization. She “took it away from me” and I was mad. As you know, anger is the poison you take hoping it makes the other person sick. It just doesn’t work that way. So I decided I needed to change my focus and walk toward the light.

I sat down and meditated. Mentally I created a large spool of silk strands of love and light that I could wrap all around my aunt so none of her negativity could escape. Then I built her a beautiful cottage, with every amenity she could possibly need. I packed every corner, floor to ceiling with smiles and laughter. I placed it over on the other side of the creek, away from the house, and I “carried” my aunt over there and put her inside. Then I made the water magic so no negative thing could ever cross back over to the house. My happy place, my safety zone was intact once more. Voila! My very-way-cool friend Vicky offered this insight…..This whole mess has very little to do with me, and everything to do with where my aunt is in HER life.

The mind is a powerful thing. Prayer is a powerful thing. God coming to settle you down and displace the worries in your life? Man, that’s an amazing thing…the MOST powerful thing. It is the cake. Everything else is just icing.

Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

Philippians 4:7

(Image from Pinterest)

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