The Dastardly Deed

About a year ago, we bought a beautiful set of Ninja pans from Kohl’s on a really super deal. I’ve never had a great set of pans. Other than my cast iron, most of what I have ever cooked on have been cheap “buy a pan here and there” kind of cookware. Nonstick pans are notorious for flaking and scratching whether you follow the directions or not. But this set? Ohhhh, this set has been primo and I love them.

I’m really careful when I use them. I never use a metal utensil. I follow the directions to a T and never use nonstick cooking spray. I use very little oil and then it’s high quality. I was popping the waffles in the toaster yesterday (my leftover homemade waffles…not the mass produced variety) when I turned around and there was my beloved…spraying my precious skillet with “Crap-in-a-Can”! Gahhhhhh!!!!

Please keep in mind…I’ve cut out caffeine and coffee in general the last few weeks. I hadn’t even had my decaf tea yet. So…there’s that. But I let out a squeal and a bloody “Noooooo!” that made Mr. FixIt jump a foot. What I thought was perhaps a momentary lapse of memory was apparently something that had been going on for months.

Bless his heart.

He used the spray. A dastardly deed! And…as the package insert said it would…the egg stuck. Apparently from not using ENOUGH spray, I’ve been told! So, I (eventually) let it go because it’s just a skillet. But it’s been a really GOOD skillet, darn it.

We were just finishing breakfast when the former Mrs. FixIt called and asked if my sweetheart could take her to pick up some shelves she bought. She doesn’t have a truck. He asked if We had anything going and I said, “No…go help!” So off he went. I cleaned up the kitchen and made a batch of cornmeal mush so we have some to fry up on our camping trip.

I spent the afternoon watching my favorite guilty pleasure…Appalachian cooking videos with Tipper Pressley on her YouTube channel “Celebrating Appalachia.” I knitted a little and chatted on the phone. When I got hungry, I decided to make a fried egg sandwich. But….the skillet! Argh!

I decided to just see what I could do with it. I ran some hot soapy water and washed the pan thoroughly. I dried it well, then set it on medium to preheat. I cracked the egg and dropped it into the skillet…no oil, no butter, no spray…and hoped for the best. And, sure enough…that thing didn’t stick! Eureka!

Mr. FixIt called on his way home to see if I needed anything. He told me he was bringing me some fried chicken livers from Miller’s Chicken in Athens. I told him he was no longer in the doghouse over the frying pan debacle because I got it cleaned up and it works like it’s supposed to. (We had long since apologized for the pre-tea tempers.) And, the chicken livers were SOOOOO good!

The weather was warm yesterday and if you are from around these parts, you know that the first warm day after the first cold spell brings out those nasty vermin we all love to hate. The Asian Lady Beetle. Between them and the Stink Bugs, it is a scourge that honestly takes part of the fun out of fall.

I cannot believe God actually told Noah to add Stink Bugs and Asian Lady Beetles to the ark! What was He thinking???

Hmmmmm…maybe Naamah caught Noah fouling her cookpot so she slipped them in as revenge!


“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”

Psalm 34:8 ESV

2 thoughts on “The Dastardly Deed

  1. Your remark about chicken livers gave me a warm and fuzzy moment just now. After I started driving (and working to pay for gas), I would use a weekend a month to go see my grandmother. I tried to time it so I could stop and get her chicken livers and gizzards from a chicken place a couple of towns over from her house. She always said I shouldn’t waste my money on her, but over 50 years later I remember the way her eyes would light up and the strength of her hug. Thanks for the “warm fuzzy” early this morning. It’s a good way to start my day

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