The Conversation

This conference is being run in a format unlike any I’ve ever attended. It is entirely conversational. Small groups gather at round tables to hear a speaker present their talk. The ensuing discourse comprises the other half of the session. It offers an open sharing of ideas and allows true connections to be made among the participants.

I attended yesterday’s sessions regarding alternative modes of housing for seniors that allow them to age in place. We discussed co-housing, house-sharing, and how to select a proper home-mate. The benefits of co-housing far outreach the obvious decrease in living expenses. Health and safety, security, and reduction of the carbon footprint are all valuable benefits. I’ve been considering for some time that I won’t be able to live the gypsy lifestyle forever so this has at least introduced the conversation in my mind. Short of having another relationship, co-housing answers a great many problems with living alone. And, even if there were another relationship, I’ve learned all too well not to assume it will last forever. Co-housing is a valuable option for seniors wishing to live independent, happy, and healthy lives for as long as possible.

Oh, all three sessions I attended yesterday were live streamed on CSPAN and my son-in-law’s mom recorded it for the grandchildren. I was strategically seated in full camera view. Nana rocks!

So, today’s the day I speak to these very cool people! I’m so jazzed!!!


“They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,”‭‭

Psalm‬ ‭92:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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