Tent Camping

Ok, it’s probably been 35 years since I slept in a tent. It was quite the adventure. In all actuality, I slept fairly well. I made sure the food was locked up in the car and I slept with my gun within reach, especially since the camp host said there are bears there regularly. I woke up once during the night to use the facilities and it was a bright enough moon to see so I wasn’t worried. The lady in the campsite next to me just marveled that I camp alone. Gosh, it wasn’t like I was alone. The campground I stayed at had eight loops so there were plenty of people there.

It was a really long day though. I was up early and made it to Montrose in time to meet one of our fellow Ranchers for lunch. I was thinking of stopping at Orvis Hot Springs in Ridgeway but by the time I got there it was 93 degrees. I just could not make myself go in. I did stop in Ouray at Mouse’s Chocolates…my all time favorite candy store. Then I hightailed it to Durango to take the yoga class my friend teaches. Afterwards we had dinner then came to her house. I saw some incredible scenery driving through the mountains today. God’s country!

“He wraps up the waters in his clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their weight.”

Job 26:8

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