Taking a Little Me Time

My view out the dormer window yesterday morning…SNOW!

I spent a portion of the day yesterday reorganizing the camper to make it more comfortable. The busyness of the last couple of weeks caught up with me and I’m just going to lay low, read, knit, visit with my brother a little. I went to the cemetery Thursday. The caretaker was there. Mike is 75 and has been caring for the cemetery for many years…on a volunteer basis. He recognized me when I pulled in and waved hello. We sat and visited for a while. He was most apologetic that he hadn’t gotten over to our corner yet and the weeds were pretty high. Mike said the snow was knee deep this winter and that makes the grasses sprout up like crazy  in the spring. The cemetery is normally unattended and only has maintenance a couple of times a year anyway.

I now have one of my cushy chairs in the camper. It fits perfectly between the benches of the dinette. I have one of the matching footstools and a battery powered lantern beside me, so it’s the perfect place to knit and read. I stopped at the store last night and bought some foodstuffs and stored it in the cooler sealed tight and in the bed of the truck with the topper and the tailgate locked. My dry goods are in the non-operational refrigerator so there’s no food scents to attract mama bear.

I love hearing the sound of the creek rushing by right outside my window. And feeling the cool mountain air. Thank God there are no fires nearby. Colorado needs this moisture desperately! It snowed till about 3:00 but its going to keep snowing in the mountains and the Front Range, which is where I’ll be heading tomorrow, or maybe Monday. I’ve been enjoying my visits with my brother. He’s crafty…he’s been hitting me up for dinner every night! lol

I went to the hot springs to soak yesterday after supper. I have been so disappointed at how this sleepy little mountain town is bursting at the seams these days. They are land-locked yet building continues and it feels like stepping into a bee hive. I didn’t stay at the springs too long. I basically went to get a shower and wash my hair anyway, so mission accomplished. I was perfectly happy to come back to the camper and curl up with my knitting and a good book.


“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

Mark 6:31 ESV

#Rest, #Camping, #Colorado

2 thoughts on “Taking a Little Me Time

  1. It is fortunate that you are able to find a quiet, peaceful place in our busy world. Glad to hear your brother is doing well. I have been following you for quite some time. Thank you so much! I too lost my love September 2013.

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