Summer Sunday Supper

You could just about guarantee where my mom, brother, and I would be on any given Sunday when I was growing up. Sunday suppers at Grandma’s house was just what we did. I’d guess many of you did the same. I especially loved those meals in the summer. Grandma had a “truck garden”…the garden that’s close to the house so you can run over the little bridge to pick fresh veggies. We had “Farm to Table” dining long before it became cool and trendy.

During the week, we are often far too busy to cook a proper meal. There’s all the work outside that keeps us hopping from late March to late September. The garden, the mowing, the pool, constant repairs…it’s a big job for two people. So we often just grab sandwiches or salads for our main meal. Except on Sundays. I try to fix something nice as a reward for our hard work of the week, and to celebrate the day of rest.

When Mr. FixIt was finishing up snaking the drain…for the umpteenth time…I headed to the kitchen, pulled some pork chops out of the freezer and placed them in a bowl of cold water to thaw. I put on a quart of my home canned half runner beans on to simmer on the back burner while a few new red potatoes were cooking in the little pressure cooker I picked up last summer at a junk shop. When the pork chops were thawed, I dipped them in buttermilk and dredged them in seasoned flour then fried in a little oil using my biggest cast iron skillet. Earlier, I cut up some fresh onions, cucumbers and tomatoes and made a little salad with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. It was a delightful meal and reminded me of how swiftly summer and its freshness is gone.

It will be a busy week as we make the preparations for the big trip to Colorado. I made an executive decision when I had the camper at Setzer’s. I had them repack the wheel bearings so Mr. FixIt wouldn’t have that to do. I’ll get the new tires put on this week. We’re getting pretty excited!

It’s Monday…another day, another week, another fresh start. We get new starts every day. I hope your week brings you beauty and blessings.


““Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

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