Selling my Firstborn for an iPhone

Where the magic happens…the camera on the iPhone 13 Pro Max

So, we went to town yesterday and got new cell phones. Mr. FixIt didn’t even HAVE a cell phone till his work finally insisted on it. Then, he relied on a flip phone and only used it for the rare phone call. He did try to take pictures on it. Remember that? You had a teeny tiny little screen to look at. I suppose we downloaded them onto our computers, but the resolution was so poor, you could hardly tell what or who was in the photo. 

When I came along, I pulled Mr. FixIt kicking into the technological age of smartphones…something he vowed he had absolutely NO use for. Except…I travel a lot, and I was headed to Colorado for a month. We were a pretty new item and we wanted to FaceTime with each other, so I talked him into getting an iPhone. Now…if I would have been with him, he would have had one with an adequate size memory. As it was, he purchased the smallest one he could get and before a year was out, he had the memory full to the point he had to delete things in order to take pictures. Not to mention the thing hadn’t been updated in three years because…there was not enough memory.

He still doesn’t need the fanciest, but I did have him get a phone with four times the memory in it and the camera is going to blow him away. For a man who never used a phone much, he’s now an avid news and facebook scrolling, picture taking, checkers playing aficionado now! I’ve created a monster! lol

I, however, use my phone…a LOT. Mostly for photos for this blog and doing research as I write on my iPad. I started drooling over the photos people are producing on the iPhone 13 Pro, and once you get into that range, you might as well spring the extra and get the bigger screen. My eyesight isn’t exactly improving as I age. 

I look at my phone now as a computer. I rarely use my laptop and desktop computers anymore. My phone and my iPad are my office, so I justify the upgrade as improving my efficiency and the content you see here. I can’t wait to share new and improved photographs with you!


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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