Saying Goodbye to the OBX

“Sunset over the Sound, OBX”

After watching the twenty day forecast for the Outer Banks, Mr. FixIt and I were fully prepared for a cold, cloudy, wet week at the beach. As it turned out, the weather predictions were almost entirely incorrect. We had one day that rained all day. The first day we arrived, I had to wear my down coat on the beach. One afternoon, we had a really great thunderstorm. And, that was it. We couldn’t have asked for a better week. Yesterday was around 70 degrees. A gentle breeze came off the ocean, but it was still warm enough to sit out in the sun in a bathing suit…knitting! I got a little sunburned in the spots I missed with the sunscreen, but overall, it was perfect.

Last night’s sunset was a true gift. I turned to Mr. FixIt and asked, “How can anyone sit and watch this and think there is no God?” It was the best sunset of the week by far…we only had two that were picture worthy. We are driving all the way home today so we can go to church tomorrow. We don’t want to miss it. And, remember last summer when I went to the Revival? Well, Pastor Matthew is having one this week and I’m going so get ready for some fired up posts in the coming days!

Get out there this weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather if it’s nice where you are! We only get so many sunsets. ❤

“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭65:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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