Road Trippin’

Loveland pass
“Views from Loveland Pass”

We got a slow start yesterday. We cleaned out the truck and packed, checked and rechecked to make sure we had everything, then almost pulled away without my brother’s package we waited for. Once we retrieved that, we were on our way! We drove over to the west side of town, down through Golden, then out Clear Creek Canyon and picked up I-70 at Idaho Springs. I love starting out my trips that way. The canyon immediately makes you feel like you’re in the mountains and you don’t have to run the gauntlet that is Floyd Hill.

We exited the interstate just before the Eisenhower Tunnel and took Route 6 over Loveland Pass. We have a function on our GPS that tells you what your elevation is. It was right on…11,995 feet at the top of the pass. We stopped and took lots of pictures along the way. It was so much fun to play tourist and show Mr. FixIt some of the hidden beauty of Colorado.

We dropped down into Keystone then on into Frisco. I was hoping the weather would be cooperative and we could check out the chuck wagon dinner at Two Below Zero, but it was really cool and rainy so we decided to try another time. We walked the streets of Frisco, checked out the little shops, and ate dinner at Bread + Salt. I wasn’t overly impressed, but I was hungry so it was ok. 

This is a Gypsy trip…one without reservations, except for the wedding stay. We sat in the truck and browsed the app and chose a hotel in Keystone with a really reasonable price. $76…but with taxes and fees it was $92. Welcome to tourism in Colorado. The room was perfectly fine. The beds were comfy and clean, there wasn’t an exceptional amount of noise, and there’s a complimentary breakfast. You can’t beat that when you consider most of the others in the tourist towns here are upwards of $200 a night.

The biggest problem that occurred was when I went to check in. I cannot find my driver’s license anywhere. I’ve searched through everything. The last time I remember having it was at the Quick Care on the 22nd. I called them and the pharmacy and they don’t have it. So now I have to see if I can get a replacement sent to me here. It’s not the end of the world and it certainly won’t ruin my fun. But I am frustrated that I’ve misplaced it.

I have no idea where we’ll end up today, but no matter where it is, it will be beautiful! Colorado has some stunning scenery!!! Oh…and please send up a little prayer for our family that is scheduled to grow in the next day or two. Our great grandson will make his debut in West Virginia and we can’t be there to welcome him. Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy, happy baby, mama, and daddy!


“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”

1 Corinthians 13:2 NIV

8 thoughts on “Road Trippin’

  1. Don’t you hate it when something important gets misplaced like that? Hope it turns up, or that you can get a replacement quickly.

    Congrats on the upcoming arrival of your great-grandson! Praying for an easy labor and delivery, and a healthy mom and baby.

  2. Ginny I just said a prayer to St. Anthony so that you find your license. Look again because I sometime find what I lost after checking that exact place a second time.
    Congrats on the upcoming new arrival and enjoy your trip.

  3. I have a copy of mine stashed in my car. In case I lose card, get stopped for some reason, plus I have my # memorized so it could be brought up quickly on a computer
    (I rarely drive OOS.) Your trip sounds great–are you meandering?

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