
It’s all the rage! It’s the fastest growing sport in America. Played with a paddle and what resembles a wiffle ball on a court half the size of a tennis court, it’s catching on with seniors as a way to stay fit and have fun. Socialization is as much a part of Pickleball as the rules of the game. And it’s much easier on your body than say, tennis or racquetball.

Arvada, Colorado is home to the best Pickleball facility in the state. I took my first lesson yesterday and it was SO much fun! I loved that my instructor was a 65 year old retired elementary school PE teacher. She was FIT! She had me glowing in pretty short order. And remember, I don’t exercise…I play.

I am expanding my skills. I want to do things that I can participate in anywhere. No matter where you go, there’s likely a body of water to kayak on, a path to bike on, and a Pickleball court to play on. The more skills you have, the more active you are, the healthier you are, the more socialization you can achieve and that’s extremely healthy….mentally and physically. This is definitely my sport and I can’t wait to get out there and do it again.

Check out the USA Pickleball Association for the rules of the game and a list of places to play.

“…my cup overflows.”

Psalm 23:5

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