My Morning With God

I’ll put icing on these today before we sit down with our chili and pulled pork sandwiches.

Mr. FixIt and I both worked on the house yesterday. He’s great with the vacuum and…God bless him…he cleans the toilets. Let’s just say my aim is far more accurate. Why is it men can see a buck on the hillside three football fields away, but they can’t hit an 18” vessel when they’re standing right in front of it? Am I the only one this bothers? I didn’t raise boys…just husbands,, so I guess my tolerance is a little lower! lol

I made cinnamon rolls yesterday. And some of that Orange Fluff that my friend Colleen served at our knitting group Christmas party. Then we got the call that my daughter-in-law tested positive for Covid, darn it! We decided to split the party. One half is coming tomorrow with the four littles, and the rest will come at a later date for their Christmas. While I’m really disappointed, it has cut my food prep in half.

I was up early and for the first time in a long time, Mr. FixIt slept in late and I sat in my big comfy chair and did my Bible study in a quiet house. My dear friend Gail gave me a wonderful Bible for my daily study. It is the One Step Closer Bible that Candace Cameron Burge worked on in collaboration with DaySpring. Each page has space to write notes and capture your thoughts.

I had my Ryze mushroom coffee, my fuzzy blanket on my lap and I was a happy camper. When I was a new widow, I couldn’t focus long enough to read the Bible and get much out of it. I figured God would understand and I was sure to absorb something. 

I prayed and asked God to show me a way to find help for my pain. One day I picked up my Bible and prayed. I told God everything that was on my heart and what I was facing that particular day. I sat quietly for a moment, then opened my Bible randomly placed my finger on the page. I was stunned. The passage was exactly what I was asking for. God sent me an answer.

I did this over and over, day after day thinking it must have been a fluke…a coincidence. But, no. Every time…there was my answer. Even when I was in so much pain I couldn’t even formulate the question, the Lord brought me comforting words every day. The key to this working is to go to the fountain for the drink. You can’t get fed if you don’t come to the table.

I still do this and it still fills me with a sense of wonder that my God wants to meet me every day, exactly where I am…in the moment. The ultimate practice of mindfulness. It sets me up for a day where I feel balanced…wearing the full armor. And my day just goes so much better. I don’t have the corner on the market on this. I’ve spoken with others that do the same thing. I spoke to the Pastor at my home church in Colorado and he told me I couldn’t read the Bible this way. “It’s not an Ouija board to summon God!” I said, “No, it’s not. But it is my ‘phone booth’ where I get to talk to and hear from God during the most painful time of my life. So I would think you would encourage me to continue talking with Him every day…no matter how I go about it.” I feel very strongly about that. 

You are so loved. You are enough. You are worthy. You are good. You are beautiful. And God loves you more than you could ever imagine. I know I got preachy here, but I felt compelled to tell you you’re doing a great job. Just keep going!


”No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.“

1 John 4:12 ESV

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