My End-of-Summer Walkabout

The sycamore are changing…last to leaf out…first to die.

I have never run a marathon, but I can imagine you feel pretty beat up the next day if you hadn’t properly trained for it. Now, I have no idea how to properly train for a weekend canning marathon, but I don’t figure sitting on my hiney knitting like a madwoman helped the situation. I fixed breakfast yesterday morning and went to my recliner with my coffee. I knitted for an hour while Mr. FixIt flipped through the channels then decided I’d better get busy and process the last canner full of soup.

We don’t have many pears this year because we had a couple of late freezes.

When I stood up from the recliner, I could hardly walk. My calves were tight and I swear I could hear my feet screaming. It wasn’t pretty. I pushed on and stretched a little and pretty soon I was limbered up enough to get around. I finished the canning, peeled a bag of apples, made a galette, then cleaned up the kitchen. I got another hour of knitting in before it was time to fix supper. We had one of those summer suppers…a burger patty, fresh tomato and onion slices, a dollop of cottage cheese and a small handful of chips. The house was already too hot…I didn’t need to add to it.

Apple Galette ready for the oven.

Mr. FixIt worked on the Lincoln yesterday. The housing for the headlights had condensation inside so he got in there to clean it up and seal up the seams. While he finished up, I walked around the property and took pictures. There are bright yellow, red, and orange leaves turning here and there. We have pears this year…not a ton, but a bucketful if they make it that far. It was nice to have a slowish day.

Queen Anne’s Lace

This is the last week our little yarn shop will be open so it’s our last Tuesday to get together with my new knitting friends. I’m hoping we can arrange someplace else to gather because I really enjoyed it. 

The Pink Dogwood Mr. FixIt planted for me turns scarlet in the fall!

I was reminded yesterday of the passage of time. As my older daughter and her husband take Big to college to get her set up in her dorm, our little great granddaughter started Pre-K. Don’t you wish you could freeze time…just a little? Whenever I have one of those moments…those Kodak, this-doesn’t-happen-every-day moments…I make a concerted effort to soak it up. Because, I was so busy living life and raising kids that these special moments slipped by me without me realizing how special they truly were. 

Elephant Ear leaf…close up.

Sitting at the corner of 70 and Forever gives you pause.


“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 ESV

2 thoughts on “My End-of-Summer Walkabout

    1. This time I used the recipe that’s on the can of Crisco and it worked out great! ?
      2c. All purpose flour
      3/4tsp/ salt
      3/4 cup chilled Crisco cold water

      Add salt and flour to a medium bowl. Cut in your shortening. Some use a pastry blender. I use two butter knives and cut the shortening in till it resembles meal. Sprinkle some of the water over the flour/shortening mixture and stir with a fork. Add just enough water to bring the dough into a ball without it getting too sticky. Instead of making two crusts, I use the whole ball, roll it between two sheets of parchment paper, remove the top sheet, put your pie filling in the center, fold up the edges all around to hold the filling in, then slide the whole thing parchment paper and all, carefully over to a cookie sheet. Bake at 400° till golden…about 30-40 minutes. ?

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