Morning Has Broken

One more day! My friends and I hit the road tomorrow for the Nelsonville Music Festival. I’m really excited…now. Yesterday morning? Not so much. Yesterday I was overwhelmed. I had a list a mile long. I knew I needed to go out to the farm for at least one, probably two loads. I have taken several loads to the local mission. I’ve donated to the church resale shop. I’ve taken four loads to family members. A friend is keeping a couple of paintings for me as well as Mr. Virgo’s wall clock. I took at least five or six truck loads to another friend for storage. I’m so grateful they have the room and offered to help me out. So, I was faced with two trips out to the farm, a couple loads of laundry, and the list.

The festival will be hot and crowded. I had a picture in my mind of campers crammed together like sardines with no method of escape. Three things that have bothered me in the past…heat, crowds, no escape. Then, on top of that, I need to be fresh to head west on Monday. Too much. Too, too much. I woke up at 4:00, overheated and queasy. I promptly texted my friend and said I couldn’t go. I just wanted to hit the road. And in true friend fashion, she said…well, I can’t post what she said. *grin* Suffice it to say, she did what we always do to each other. She virtually grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said, “Cut it out!”

She was right, of course. I was feeling overwhelmed and trying to unburden myself with one of three missions coming up. I couldn’t let go of the stuff at the farm. It had to be moved, no question. I couldn’t let go of Colorado. I need to see my babies. So the only thing to let go of was the music festival…something I’ve looked forward to for five months. When your head is spinning with worry, you can get stuck there, spinning forever like a forgotten 45. Fortunately for me, I have friends who won’t let me get by with that crap. I love them for that.

What totally turned my head around was when my friend said… “Nelsonville is not your enemy. Anxiety is!” Bam! I snapped right out of it. It’s amazing what the mind can do to you.

And now? Everything is off the farm!!! Downsized even further, yet it will be pruned further still in the fall. Now I’m looking at Nelsonville as my reward…and I can’t wait! Today I have a zillion things to do before we leave tomorrow. Once I get to the music festival, I’m going to kick back and chill for four days!!! Yes!!!

““Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?”

Job 38:12-13

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