‘Maters and Berries and Emancipation 

At least once a week…too often more…we have to run to town and do errands. With the price of gas, we try to hold all errands to that one day if at all possible. I think we’ll probably have to start grouping our medical appointments to cut back on drives into town. A round trip including errands all over town can easily rack up thirty, forty…even fifty miles. When you get around 16 miles per gallon and your gas costs upwards of $5 a gallon, it pays to collate your errand list into as efficient a circuit as possible.

We went to Sam’s and bought a few bulk items that we needed. They had a great sale on chicken thighs for 98¢ a pound. One of my friends and I have a game where we try to beat each other’s best deals. I was so proud of that chicken. Then she told me Walmart had whole legs for 84¢ a pound! (If we didn’t have so much to do this weekend, I would have bought enough to can a few jars.) I beat her on gas, though! $4.86 a gallon at Sam’s. The line reminded me of the ‘70s during the oil embargo. 

I always pick up a rotisserie chicken when I go to the store. We have sandwiches a lot over the summer because you don’t have to heat up the house cooking. I love cold chicken or roast beef sandwiches. We bought bread at the discount bread store for much less than we could get it at Sam’s. When we got home, we had our chicken sandwiches and watched the recording of America’s Got Talent from Tuesday night while I worked on the socks I’m knitting.

I’ve been extra careful shopping the last few months. I found a really big chuck roast for $17. I’ll put it in the slow cooker in the morning. Then we’ll have meat to take with us on our camping trip next week. We bought Hebrew National hotdogs. I won’t scrimp when it comes to hotdogs and sausages. I don’t want beaks and bits in my buns!

We stopped to water the tomatoes at our friend’s house in town and they have gotten SO big! They need tied up and the suckers pruned again. Mr. FixIt went out when we got home and picked our first harvest of blueberries. We only have one blueberry bush but it’s really loaded this year. It has just about outgrown the cage Mr. FixIt built over it to keep the birds out. Maybe in a couple of years, we’ll get enough to make a batch of blueberry jam!

We’ve had little bits of rain the last couple of days but nothing to speak of. It was a tad bit cooler yesterday with a high of 84°. Today isn’t supposed to get over 75°! That’s much more like our normal June temperatures and I’ll take it any day of the week. It’ll be a good day to mow. There is so much to do around here this time of year. But, farm-life is the best life and it’s so, so good for you to get outside in the fresh air to do a solid day’s work.

I hope you enjoy your beautiful June weekend! For those of us who may not have had a good relationship with our fathers, may we remember those good men who perhaps stood in that space for us. And honor the fathers of our children…present or not. Remember Juneteenth and send up a solemn prayer in honor of those who suffered unspeakable tragedies under enslavement. I am grateful President Biden made Juneteenth a national holiday. You can read more about this holiday HERE.


““Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.”

Exodus 21:16 ESV

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