Less is More

This is a concept I do not have in my skill set. Less is more. I try. I’m more like “It’s not done till its overdone.” In decorating, for instance. I have this thing for miniature chairs. It all started when I bought the coolest miniature salesman’s sample at an antique store years ago and decided to “collect” them for a display in my home. Three is a collection. Twenty-eight is hoarding. It no longer looks like a display. It looks like an AA meeting for Barbies. In my downsizing, I ended up getting rid of all of them except the original antique one. And it’s boxed away somewhere.

I’m getting a handle on “less is more” in my environment. Now, if I could just apply that to my mouth. Sometimes I just overdo things. Someone says something and my brain says “Hmmmmmm, interesting. Let’s dip our toe in the water and test this out.” Then my mouth does a full cannonball in the deep end and ruins the party. It has cost me friendships…one in particular that was important to me. I’ve apologized. Time will tell. Because, it’s still important to me.

Our work is never done, is it? You would think by this age we’d have it figured out. I think it’s more like the older I get, the more I KNOW that I DON’T know, ya know? But, I’m a work in progress. We all are.


“Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”

Ecclesiastes 5:2

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