Kindness Matters

I woke up yesterday and had a hankerin’ for homemade buttermilk biscuits but the buttermilk I had in the fridge was “blinky”, as my mama called it. It was way past its expiration date so I made a quick run to Piggly Wiggly to get some more. While I was there, I checked out the meat department and there was a blade-in pork shoulder roast in the “reduced for quick sale” bin. A nearly $15 roast for only $6 and change. Not bad! 

I got home and whipped up the biscuits, heated up some sausage patties and fried a couple of eggs for little breakfast sandwiches. Mr. FixIt and I enjoyed our breakfast together and watched a couple of game shows. I cleaned the kitchen then set the roast to cook in the crockpot. I worked on a hat I’m knitting for a Christmas present. Then, Mr. FixIt left to run errands in town.

Along about 2:00, I thought to myself… “OMGosh! I must have Covid…I can’t smell a thing!” I should have smelled that roast cooking long before that. I went into the kitchen, only to discover I had forgotten to turn on the crockpot when I moved it from one counter to the other. Whew…at least it wasn’t Covid!

A few months ago, Mr. FixIt and I went to the cemetery where most of his family are buried. He noticed his Uncle Junie never got his military plaque for his grave so he made the necessary arrangements to have it done. He received a call yesterday from the old gentleman down at the cemetery. The plaque was in and mounted and he needed Mr. FixIt to come in to pay the installation fee.

Now, Mr. FixIt is worse than me when it comes to yakking with people…even those he doesn’t know. He got to the cemetery around 4:30 and it was 6:30 when he called to say he’d just left there. Turns out the old fella who runs the place is in his 80’s and doesn’t have a lot of people to talk to up there. And, if our conversation on the phone yesterday morning was any indication, Mr. Okey was quite a talker himself.

When my hubby finally got home, I gave him a kiss and told him what a great guy he is. Not only did he think of his uncle when no one else had, but he sat and listened to the stories of a lonely old man and no doubt made his day. 

I love this guy!


“making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding;”

Proverbs 2:2 ESV

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