“I Have a Voice”

“I Have a Voice” woodcarving by Evelyn Jimenez

I have met some of the nicest people through my blog. One is a widow named Evelyn. She became very ill after losing her husband and very nearly died herself. Evelyn is a woodcarver, which I find endlessly fascinating. I’ve tried my hand at carving but I haven’t had the right tools for the job. I really would love to try again sometime…in my SPARE time. *sigh* 

A few weeks ago, I saw a little faceless woman she carved and titled, “I Have a Voice”. This little round woman struck my heart. I went for a very long time in my life without a voice. I felt like the faceless woman, being told I wasn’t good enough or I was stupid or I was too fat. When you hear these things over and over and over from someone who is supposed to love you, you soon come to believe them as true.

I wanted my own little faceless woman to remind me that I am no longer without a voice. I wanted to remember that time when I was without a face so that I might recognize other faceless women. Instead of making me sad when I see her dejected little hands stuffed in her pockets, I smile because she might just be hiding cupcakes in there. 

And…I know. I know she has a voice in there. I know because I had a voice inside…even when it was stifled. We can always say “I wish I would have known then what I know now.” For me it’s more like “I wish I would have known then WHO I know now.” I think if I’d known then how much God loved me, I would have loved myself more. And, if I’d loved myself more, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be treated so poorly…even as a young child. Hindsight is 20/20. The best thing I can do now is mentor young women and make sure they know they are precious and loved and deserving. ❤️

“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.”

Isaiah 35:1-2 NIV

10 thoughts on ““I Have a Voice”

  1. Ginny tears flowed when my words were written by you. It was if you had walked the same pathway. I seek God to lead me to be a stepping stone for especially the young women as the have a whole life ahead, but also to those nearing the end of their earthly journey. Thank you for who you are and for the mentor you are. God heard my daily prayers asking Him to bless you abundantly. I consider you my sister in Christ!

  2. Thank you Ginny for posting a picture and an article on the faceless woman. I am humbled by this going up on your blog. I pray that many will come to realize that they have been given a voice. And what they have to say is important for the world to hear.
    Blessings and love to you,
    Evelyn Jimenez

  3. Ginny, I too am a friend of Evelyn’s and was touched by her carving. Your words struck home. I never thought God was with me in my darkest hours. I know He sent angels to be with me. Knowing God allowed me to love myself, to forgive those who hurt me which allowed me to become the person I am today, a woman with a voice!

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