
There was a time in this journey when I had no hope whatsoever. I forgot Who loved me…Who had my back, always. I could see nothing past the next tortuous hour. Nothing but tears and pain…anger and frustration. Day after never-freaking-ending day. Anyone who says we do not experience hell on earth has never walked the path of grief.

Yesterday was a reminder of how beautiful life can get once the flames of this journey die down and you’re left wearing a shiny new coat of armor. I was vacillating a bit yesterday morning…write, which needs doing, or exercise, which MUST be done, no options. My trainer dude, Paul is out of town and it would be a little easier to slide by without working out. But then, in his ever vigilant way, he texted with his cheerful “So…you Q-stepping today?” Ummmmm, yes! I was just on my way out the door. Don’t tell him I was actually sitting with my coffee in the sunroom still debating. His texts are all I need to remind me how important I am….to ME. To the future ME. To those who love me. I laced up those shoes and jumped in my truck! Off to the steps.

I decided to shoot for SIX. The good people putting on the International Conference on Positive Aging had asked me to create a little video promoting my talk in August. Instead of getting all foofy and filming myself talking, I filmed the steps as I climbed and talked about Mr. Virgo and turning into the PopTart Queen and how this is my year to thrive. Why talk about positive aging when you can show what it looks like?

No amount of comfort food can beat what fitness feels like! I am filled with hope for the future now. Please, please grieve with hope because it will not be this painful forever. It gets better.


Addendum: I felt so good after writing this, I did two more. 8×175 steps! Then off for a big salad and a well deserved pedicure!

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 NIV

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