Holiday Preparations 2021

I need this in my life!

I took a look at my new starter yesterday morning and it was ever so slightly fluffy. Not a lot of bubbles, but not dead looking either. So, perhaps the bleach in the bleached flour didn’t kill my yeasties after all! I Googled it and couldn’t get a definitive answer either way. I sent a question to King Arthur Baking Company and got the following response:

“Hi Ginny,
Thanks for contacting us here at King Arthur Baking Company!

Starters are very hearty and can survive on all types of flour. You certainly did not kill it by using bleached flour, and likely the starter is just sluggish due to its time in transit. 
Because your starter has been traveling without food and water, it may take a couple of feedings to get it back on its feet. 
The best way to increase your starter’s activity level is to keep it at room temperature and give it regular feedings. There are tips on how to feed, maintain, and even troubleshoot a starter that’s not working.  
If your starter continues to lack signs of activity after several regular feedings (no bubbles developing or growth of starter) please do get back in touch with us so we can assist further.

Don’t forget to check out our Complete Sourdough Guide, too!”

I waited till the day warmed up a little. Oh, who am I kidding…it got up to forty-two outside. I had my coffee and my egg sandwich, then I fed the starter…this time with unbleached flour. And, I created two jars of it. Hopefully, this will work. It looked pretty good by bedtime last night so, fingers crossed.

I cleaned the kitchen and picked up a little around the house and sat down for a little while in the afternoon. I turned on my favorite “show” for this time of year….the 24/7 Crackling Fireplace! I pulled out some knitting and put my feet up while Mr. FixIt went to town for an appointment. I love those little times when I can have the house to myself and recharge. He brought supper home so I didn’t even have to cook. And, upon my request, he stopped at the store and bought some dried beans and ham hocks. I think I’m going to make that for Thanksgiving with some buttermilk cornbread and a homemade apple pie.

God has blessed us with such abundance. And the idea of feasting till you lay on the couch like a tick about to pop isn’t the only way to give thanks. For years, my dear cousin Tammy has been hosting a big Thanksgiving dinner and, instead of a huge turkey with all the trimmings, she serves a huge pot of brown beans and ham and cornbread. And it’s the BEST Thanksgiving dinner I’ve been to in years. Unfortunately, we are going to miss it again this year. Even though we are vaccinated and boosted, we both have medical procedures coming up in the coming weeks. The likelihood that we would catch covid is very slim, but still…we just don’t want to chance it. We’ll go visit when there aren’t as many people coming and going.

Big is in New York City with Daughter #1 taking a second look at a college up there. They posted some pictures of their day off playing tourist yesterday. I never knew how they decorated the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. I always assumed they used a crane. Who knew? They also rode the carriage through Central Park, visited Strawberry Fields, and traveled in and out of Grand Central Station for the first time.

Decorating the tree at Rockefeller Center is quite an undertaking!

Little practiced making Brenda Gantt’s Buttermilk Biscuits over the weekend for the family and they were very impressed. I used to go to Colorado every Christmas, but the weather is totally unpredictable. I’ll miss the Annual Cookie Baking Extravaganza and the long drive around town looking at the lights on Christmas Eve. I’ll miss my Colorado kids and my brother. I think it’s been three years or so since I’ve flown. I’ll be heading there in May when Big graduates from high school. The youngest of my bonus granddaughters graduates on the Saturday after Big’s graduation, so I’m going to have to fly this time. I just don’t like flying quite like I used to.

The holidays can be particularly rough when you are grieving, so if you are heading into this time of year bereaved, please be gentle with yourself. I stumbled across a post I wrote the Thanksgiving after I sold my home and moved to the farm in West Virginia to help my elderly aunt. I’ll share it with you tomorrow and send you love and light and hope for better tomorrows.


“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

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