High Fives and Hot Water

There is ALWAYS something that needs to be fixed…especially when you live on a farm!

I know I said I wasn’t going to go to town yesterday, but…I had to. I ordered a lamp for the turn signal on my truck and it came in. The nice parts dude woke me up at 8:30 to tell me so what choice did I have? I ran in, picked up the part, and headed to Kohl’s to pick up a few things for summer. I was really excited to get several shirts, a sweater, and a dress for under $100! I stopped at Walmart to get some windshield washer fluid and saw a couple more things I couldn’t live without so my summer wardrobe is complete.

I picked up lunch on the way home and called Mr. FixIt to be ready to head to the farm as soon as I got there. We needed to finish up the pump and get the water back on. We made great progress…finally getting the parts reconnected and the pump primed. Then…we found a pinhole leak in one of the old parts we were trying to reuse. We turned everything off, released the pressure, took the old parts off and headed to the closest hardware store…only to discover they were closed by the time we got there.

We stopped for an ice cream cone. Ice cream makes you think better, you know! lol We regrouped and decided to drive all the way into Parkersburg and get the parts at Lowe’s then head back to the farm. We worked from 2-9pm but we finally got that thing back together and running! You never saw such celebrating when we plugged that pump in and it came to life! There is still a very, very slow drip at one connection. We are going to let it sit overnight. Sometimes sediment in the line can plug theses up. If not, we’ll get some of that epoxy putty you can use to stop leaks and see if that works before taking the whole thing apart again.

The pump hasn’t been running for several months and there was a great deal of sediment in the water. I was a bit shocked when black water came out of the faucet, but then I remembered that time I left the tub running and ran the well dry. That scared the heck out of me because I thought I’d ruined it, but it came back once the water seeped back into the well.

Today is mowing day. This is the time of year when we need to mow about every five or six days. It’s supposed to storm tonight so we need to get it done. Mr. FixIt spaded the flower bed yesterday morning where we plant the Elephant Ears every year. We’ve decided not to plant tomatoes at home this year. Our soil here just doesn’t produce a good yield for all the work it takes. A friend of Mr. FixIt’s lives in Parkersburg and still owns his dad’s house. Their yard produces the BEST tomatoes ever. Since Joe doesn’t live there full time, we’re going to plant our tomatoes over there this year in the hopes of having a better crop.

Lots to do this week to get ready for the trip west. I’ll trying to get out of here on Thursday…Friday at the latest. I called yesterday to check on the progress of the camper repair. As you might imagine…they still haven’t received the parts. I told them if it isn’t ready, I’ll just pick it up on the way through and use a cooler this trip. I can drop the camper off on my way home from Colorado. 

I told Mr. FixIt on the way home from the farm last night…I’m not doing a thing on Sunday. It’s our day of worship and rest!


“Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.””

John 4:13-14 ESV

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