Gone Too Soon

They’re all gone to soon, aren’t they? There are women here whose dear husband died of cancer or an accident. Or on the floor of a travel trailer while choosing one for retirement. But, I often hear from readers whose loss was not a parent or a sibling. Or a spouse. It was a child. Some, multiple children. There are mothers here whose child was an adult and killed in the line of duty or in a car accident. There are mothers here whose child died by their own hand…by choice. There are mothers of drug overdose victims. Any manner of reasons.

Then there are the mamas who lose their babies. That is unthinkable. Something that was supposed to be uneventful…easy peasy. Just grow a baby, deliver it, and you’re done. Sometimes it doesn’t workout that way. Sometimes God takes that baby back home. A sort of “Borrowed Angel” as Kristen Chenowith sings about. What do you say to that mama and daddy? To the Nana and Papa? The Gram and Gramps? The aunts and uncles and cousins. The devastation must be unimaginable.

I don’t know what to say. I can tell them I love them. That my heart is broken alongside theirs. I can offer a hug, or a cup of tea. I can pray…a lot. In researching this, I discovered something I didn’t know. When a woman is pregnant, there are a few of the baby’s cells which cross the placenta. They enter the blood stream and they make their way to their mama’s brains. And there, they lodge themselves and actually become part of the mama’s brain. It’s called “microchimerism”. The mama will carry her baby in her brain cells the rest of her life. That is a comforting thought to me for some reason.

The other thing I found while researching this, was this beautiful song by Daughtry. If you are hurting, I hope this brings you peace.


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18 NIV

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