God’s Paintbrush v My Own

I’ve watched “influencers” reveal how they make everything look perfect. They clean a four foot section of their kitchen and it makes you think they live like that. Here, you’ll see that there isn’t a cover on that outlet behind the toaster. It’s way far away from water and any of my activity. It’s been like that since I moved in here in 2017. It’s just one of the things we’ll get around to when we get a “round tuit!” Anyway, when you squint, the painting looks sort of realistic. I painted it plein aire on top of Ajax Mountain in Aspen many years ago. ?

I’ve dabbled in art all my life. Being a creative is wonderful. Being a creative who is also a Gemini is crazy making. Because…I want to do ALL the things! And when I want to do ALL the things, I need ALL the supplies. And by the time I’ve gathered ALL the supplies and proven to myself I can do the THINGS fairly well…I’m bored with it and once again head out to learn ALL the things. It is a vicious cycle and a treadmill I struggle to keep from dying on.

“Mahi Mahi” The Big Island of Hawaii, 1997 – Colored Pencil on Bristol – I caught a 27# Mahi Mahi deep sea fishing off the Kona Coast of Hawaii and was so sad to learn, when it dies…it turns grey.

I notice art in all things. The soft curve of a baby’s ear. The way a spider’s eyes sparkle in the dark. The way clouds make hearts and unicorns in the sky. I struggle to recreate what I see because I so want to be an “artist”. My dear friend Marion is a very talented artist and she wisely told me, “The way to become an artist is to print up business cards and put ‘Artist’ under your name.” I still suffer imposter syndrome about much of my talents, but I’ve gained a lot of confidence since I started writing this blog.

An Angelfish of some sort I spotted snorkling in the Caribbean.

I was looking for a box that has doilies and dresser scarves in it the other day when I came across a portfolio of some of my drawing from the ‘90s. I was desperately trying to find myself back then. I was in my 40’s, with bookend babies…one 16 years old and the other a newborn. I started writing poetry and short stories but lacked the confidence to pursue it. What art I did usually ended up in the trash can or in this portfolio. I must have liked it because I kept it even after purging my personal property after Mr. Virgo died.

“Peace Through Understanding”, c. ~1997, Colored Pencil on Bristol

“The Girl’s Room”, c. 1997, Colored Pencil on Bristol

“Seeking Hashem”, C. 1997, Pencil on Rag Paper

I am not sure I’ve ever shared these with you so I’m stepping out on a limb. Some are quite amateurish…others, not too bad. God gives us all gifts. Of all sorts. But nothing will ever compare to the art of God’s own hands that He blesses us with every single day. So, before I chicken out…I’ll post some of them here. Picasso I am not. Neither am I Shakespeare. But, my work is my own and it makes me smile every single time. Someday, my grandkids’ grandkids might smile, too.

And now…”God’s Art, My Camera”

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“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us…”

Romans 12:6 NIV

#Gifts, #Art, #God


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